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  • 更新时间: 2012/12/6 17:25:33
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  英   语
  命题人:苏擎文              审核人: 张书萍
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. Why does the man have a pet bird?  
  A. He likes birds.            B. His son likes birds.       C. His wife likes birds.
  2. What does the man think of the dress?
  A. It is very expensive        B. It is worth the money.    C. It is very cheap.
  3. What has the woman been doing recently?
  A. Looking after her father.    B. Visiting another city.     C. Looking for a job.
  4. Who might the man be?
  A. A doctor.                B. A teacher.              C. A salesman.
  5. What is the woman going to do now?
  A. Plant some vegetables.     B. Water her flowers.        C. Eat some fresh vegetables.
  6. How can the woman get to the museum?
  A. Walk to the end of the road she is on.
  B. Go straight ahead and then take a left.
  C. Take a right turn and then walk to the end of the street.
  7. Where can the woman buy a map of the city according to the man?
  A. At the gate of the museum.   B. On the street corner.        C. At the bookstore.
  8. Why is the man so excited?
  A. They moved to a new house.   B. The woman is making his favorite cakes.
  C. He won something.
  9. What are the speakers looking forward to doing?
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21.—I passed the driving test!
  A.Congratulation       B.Congratulations for you
  C.Congratulations      D.Congratulation on you
  22.____________ number of people invited to the meeting was over 55, but _________number of them were late for some reason..
  A. The; a          B. A; the           C. A; a              D. The; the
  23.It is requested that all the students ______ school uniform on weekdays in school. 
  A. wear       B. wore     C. wears     D. would wear
  24.The child was crying, so the nurse had got to give him some candies to _____ him _____.
  A. let; down   B. calm; down   C. write; down   D. put; down
  25.             people in the world are sending information by e-mail everyday.
  A. Several million     B. Two million of     C. Several millions     D. Two millions
  26.It was at 5 o’clock __________ the visitors finally arrived at Wenzhou Yongqia

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