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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/7 19:05:35
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  命题人:李辉军  审题人:公彩荣
  第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  1. soft       A. political B. common C. woman D. brother
  2. precious   A. police  B. certainly C. condition D. official
  3. trouble  A. house  B. proud C. soup  D. enough
  4. business   A. custom           B. minute           C. summer        D. butcher
  5. developed A. pronounced B. mentioned C. excited      D. demanded
  第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)
  6. According to a recent U.S. report, children spent up to 25 hours a week _______ TV.
  A. watching  B. to watching C. to watch    D. watch
  7. The plane flew_______ in the sky and the people spoke_______ of the experienced pilot.
  A. highly, highly   B. high, high  C. high, highly   D. highly, high
  8. Tom as well as his parents_______going to Japan next week.
  A. are   B. is    C. will       D. was
  9. I was given three books on sewing, the first ______ I really enjoyed.
  A. that   B. which   C. of which      D. of that
  10. If most people _______ a day’s pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful.           
  A. leave     B. present        C. donate        D. give
  11. We visited the factory ________ makes 80 percent of the toys in the city.
  A. where     B. there     C. in which     D. which
  12. I was not _______ her presence till she spoke to me.     
  A. aware       B. aware about    C. aware of   D. aware to
  13. -- We are going to hold a sports meeting tomorrow.
  -- __________ it rains?
  A. How about     B. What if   C. If only   D. Even if
  14. The reason ___ he can’t come is ______ he has to work late.
  A. because; that  B. that; that  C. why; that  D. why; because
  15. That's the best way to ________ into the dangerous area.
  A. get people get                 B. stop people to get
  C. keep people getting            D. prevent people getting
  16. Jane has been so ________ in getting used to everything that she hasn’t had time for social activities.
  A. confused     B. worried     C. devoted   D. occupied
  17. Have you ever listened to the song Yesterday once more, ________ singer died in her early years?
  A. its      B. it’s     C. whose    D. which
  18. To qualify yourself for this kind of new job, I recommend that you ________ some online courses.
  A. to take      B. taking     C. take     D. would take
  19. He was generally _________ to be the finest poet in the land.
  A. received      B. regarded    C. seen    D. acknowledged
  20. After three years’ study, Jane got a ________ for teaching English.
  A. qualification   B. composition     C. collection    D. satisfaction

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