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  英   语
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共95分)
  第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节, 满分50分)
  1. secret    A. envy        B. perfect      C. fever         D. encourage
  2. nurse       A. sugar    B. usually   C. phrase      D. precious
  3. various        A. programme    B. distance       C. pattern         D. parent
  4. charge        A. machine       B. stomach       C. achievement  D. technology
  5. soft          A. tongue        B. consider        C. comb         D. geography
  第二节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  6.—Tim,you are leaving for Jiuzhaigou tomorrow. Why not pacr clothes and food up now?
  A.Good idea             B.Help yourself
  C.Go ahead,please             D.Me,too
  7. Chinese culture,has become ________ interest for people all over the world since the Shanghai Expo and many foreigners are discovering ________ history of China.
  A.the;/      B.an;the         C.an;/        D.the;the
  8. Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a trip in a small town to          in so large a city as New York.
  A.this     B.one    C.it  D.that
  9. The most delicious bread in the world ______ by Mom. Please wait an hour to enjoy it.
  A. bakes   B. is baked  C. is baking  D. is being baked
  10. Bob is in a hopeless situation, ________ we should keep a close eye on.
  A. which         B. where         C. that           D. when
  11. According to the rules of the factory, you can ask for leave ________ you have a doctor’s diagnosed note.
  A. now that         B. on condition that      C. unless     D. even though
  12. It takes a long time to ____ a good name,but this name is quickly lost by just one piece of bad behavior.
  A.pick up        B.think up         C.build up         D

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