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  • 更新时间: 2011/8/17 14:54:25
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  第一部分:  英语知识运用(共两节,满分65分)
  第一节   单项填空(共35小题;每小题1分,满分35分)
  We agreed ______ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
  A. having met    B. meeting   C. to meet    D. to have met 
  2. Sichuan is located ________ the west of China while Japan lies______ the east of China.
  A. to ; to    B. in; in   C. in; to    D. to; in
  3. In New Zealand , people live in the houses with their doors ______ north.
  A. faced   B. face   C. facing    D. facing to
  4. The family settled in New York in 1970 and has lived there_______.
  A. ever since     B. long since   C. since before   D. since ever
  5. In the present _______, I wouldn’t advise you to sell your house.
  A. environment   B. situation   C. state     D. form
  6. The little boy sat_______ to his father and listened______ with great interest.
  A. close; closely         B. closely; close
  C. close;  closely        D. closely; closely
  7. The door opened and in_______.
  A. he came   B. came he    C. did he come     D. did Mr Smith come
  8. -----________?
  -----I think China is a great country with friendly people and a long history.
  A.  How do you like China
  What do you think China
  How do you find of
  What do you like China
  9. -----How was the televised debate last night?
  ----- Super! Rarely_______ so much media attention.
  A. a debate attracted   B. did a debate attract
  C. a debate attract     D. attracted a debate
  10.  John is the tallest boy in the basketball team,_______ according to himself.
  A. five foot eight as tall as   B. as tall as five foot eight
  C. as five foot eight tall as   D. as tall five foot eight as
  11. This dictionary is_______ to my translation, but that one is________.
  A. a great help ; of no use       B. very helpful; of no any use
  C. great help; helpless          D. important; of few importance
  12.  We _______ on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.
  A. are working      B. have been working
  C. worked          D. had worked
  13.  Mr Smith has a lot of business______. I know by______ that this man cannot be trusted.
  A. experience; experience     B. experiences; experience
  C. experience; experiences     D. experiences; experiences
  14. Has the doctor _______ called for?
  A. referred to being      B. referred to been
  C. referring to being      D. referred to be
  15.  -----Is this the first time you______ Chengdu?
  -----No. But the first time I______ here, the city wasn’t so beautiful
  A. visited; came             B. visited; have come
  C. have visited ; have come    D. have visited; came
  16.   Many people say______ is shown on television.
  A. too much violence           B. much too violence
  C. too many violences          D. quite a few violences

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