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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 234 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/8 9:43:39
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.I thinr company lays too much ______ on cost and not enough on quality.
  A. stress         B. focus               C. intention   D. impression
  2.Cars do cause us some health problems—in fact far more serious ________ than mobile phones do.
  A. one   B. ones    C. it    D. those
  3. Your basketball team ________ our team yesterday, but we ________ the game this afternoon.
  A. beat; beat B. beat; won
  C. won; won D. won; beat
  4.It’s good manners _______ .
  A. for Chinese people to open the present as soon as he/she receives it.
  B. for both Chinese and British people to open the presents the moment they receive them.
  C. for both American and British people to open the presents when they get back home.
  D. for both American and British people to open the presents immediately they receive them.
  5.Sara treats her youngest son much better,_____ makes other children envy badly .
  A. that      B. it      C.she      D.which
  6.It is not I but you who ___ the first to run to the goal in the competition.
  A. was    B. were    C. are    D. is
  7.“He will come tomorrow.” “But I’d rather he _____ the day after tomorrow.”
  A. will come            B. is coming
  C. came                 D. had come
  8.— I can never afford a flat like that.
  — _________. The price is too high!
  A. So I can                B. So can I            
  C. Neither I can          D. Neither can I
  9.As ______along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.
  A. walking   B. walked   C. to walk   D. walk
  10.I ______ tell you with certainty that he won’t be able to finish it before the deadline.
  A. will        B. must        C. can        D. may
  A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing to help us , most of _____ women.
  A. them       B. them are       C. whom        D. that
  12.—He must be in the reading-room now. We will find him there.
  ---No, he _____.Tom


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