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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高一下学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 127 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/22 16:05:28
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.---How about ________ New Year evening party?
  ---I should say it was _______ success.
  A. a;a        B.the;a       C. /;/         D. the;/
  2. New medicines and instruments ______ every day to extend life.
  A. develop B. are being developed 
  C. are developing D. have developed
  3.The time is not far away when mobile phones _____ widespread in China’s vast country –side.
  A. will become        B. become         C. shall become      D. have become
  一Did Tom enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?
  —Yes,he did.He _____ his old friends for ages.
  A.didn’t see    B.wouldn’t see
  C.hasn’t seen    D.hadn’t seen
  5.The medicine should usually be t of the ________ of children at home.
  A. distance       B. reach             C. limit            D. arrival
  6. ________eastward,________ you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests.
  A. Going;\        B. If you go, and         C. Going; and         D. To; and
  7. They believe that the spirit remains with the body for 3 days;_____ someone always stays with the dead person.  
  A. so during this time    B. during which    C. during which time    D. so when
  8.– ______ you didn’t turn up at the party last weekend?
  -- My plane was delayed by two hours.
  A. What was it     B. When was it     C. How long was it that     D. Why was it that
  9. Tom is not _______ he was in the situation _______ he was pessimistic.
  A. where; when     B. what; where     C. that; in which    D. what; that
  10.My daughter, _________ all kinds of meat, would not like to eat any vegetable, which worries me a lot.
  A. devoted to  B. addicted to  C. accustomed to D. exposed to
  11.__, we had to go home. And we were unconscious of how long it was ____we arrived home.
  A. There being no bus; before    B. We couldn’t find a bus; until
  C. There was no bus;  when     D. There no bus; since
  12.--- I want to have the film _________. Can I  picp tomorrow.
  --- No, problem.
  A.Developed    B. imagined    C. expanded  D. printed
  13. They say the snow will ________ until the end of next week.
  A. keep B. last
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