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  • 资源大小: 207 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/5/21 23:37:05
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  审核:潘虹   校对:张浩
  一 听力
  1. What is the corree?
  A. 1:35              B. 1:30             C. 1:25   
  2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  A. In a repair shop      B. In a store       C. In a factory
  3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
  A. Sophia.           B. A party.             C. The Sun Palace
  4. What will the woman give Mr. Smith?
  A. A ticket           B. A mobile phone         C. A battery  
  5. Why was the man late for the film?
  A. He had to wait for a visitor.             
  B. He had to leave home to meet a person.        
  C. He had an unexpected visitor. 
  6. What kind of questions will the man ask?  
  A. About maths.              B. About puter.            C. About physics.
  7. What time can the man e to the woman’s home?
  A. At about 8 a.m.          B. At about 8 p.m.        C. At supper time.
  8. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
  A. In a furniture store            B. In a sitting room          C. At the man’s aunt’s
  9. What’s the man looking for?
  A. A store            B. The woman        C. A desk
  10. How much will the new desk be?
  A. $83              B. $89            C. $77
  11. What should the man write first in the letter of application in Laura’s opinion?
  A. The work experience he has had.          
  B. The expectations of the man.
  C. The education he has received.
  12. How should the man deal with the second part?
  A. Add some information.              B. Cut out the details.           
  C. Leave it as it is.   
  13. What did the man end the letter with?
  A. Yours truly.            B. Yours sincerely.           C. Only the man’s name.
  14. Why does the man want to buy a car? 
  A. For pany use.            B.  For his wife.           C. For family use. 
  15. Which one is the latest model?
  A. The red one              B.The green one            C. The black one
  16. What do we know about the ey model?
  A. It is controlled by hand.          B. It has no air conditioner.         
  C. It has plenty of room.
  17. How did the hamburger get its name
  A. From the name of a town in Germany.           
  B. From the person who first made it.            

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