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  • 更新时间: 2010/5/13 20:51:48
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  英语 一套卷
  1.What is the man doing?
  A.He is giving instructions.
  B.He is asking for directions.
  C.He is giving suggestions
  2.Why is the man angry with Richard?
  A.Because Richard was late for work. 
  B.Because Richard hasn't called him yet.
  C.Because Richard didn't e to the office today.
  3.What does the man mean?
  A.He wants to buy a new car. 
  B.He likes his car very much.
  C.He knows how to look after a car.
  4.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A.Strangers      B.A couple     C.Old friends
  5.what does the man suggest the woman do?
  A.Close the curtain   B.Change a seat   C.Wear sunglasses
  第二节:(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6.How many people will live together?
  A.Two        B.Three      C.Four
  7.Why does the woman decide to go and look at the third house?
  A.Because it's fully furnished.
  B.Because it's near the airport
  C.Because it's cheap and big enough.
  8.How long does it take to get to Brighton by train?
  A.One hour     B.One and a half hours    C.Two hours
  9.What class of seat will the man take?
  A.The first class  B.The business class     C.The general standard class
  10.How much will the man pay for his return ticket?
  A.93.5pounds    B.38.5 pounds       C.26.5pounds
  11.How do Americans usually  spend Thanksgiving Day?
  A.They visit friends and watch firework displays in the street.
  B.They exchange gifts and send cards to each other.
  C.They have dinner with their family and watch a football game.
  12.When do Americans start their Thanksgiving holiday according to the man?
  A.On Tuesday or Wednesday  B.On Thursday   C.On Friday
  13.What's the man 's speemory of Thanksgiving?
  A.Enjoying food     B.Shopping     C.Visiting friends
  14.Why was the man so angry?
  A.Because the woman didn't apologize to him?
  B.Because his car was damaged
  C.Because his wife was hurt
  15.What do we know about the woman?
  A.She is a polian. B.She is a friend of the man's  C.She is a famous actress.
  16.What did the woman do in the end?
  A.She left some good wishes to the man 's wife
  B.She paid for the damage she  had done.
  C.She called the insuranpany to solve the problem.
  17.Wh o does the car driven by the man belong to?
  A.Christina Clark    B.Rose     C.The man 's sister
  18.What can we learn about London according to the speaker?
  A.It 's an expensive place to live in

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