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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
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  • 更新时间: 2019/4/2 17:27:24
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
  (  ) 1. What color is the sofa?
  A. Brown.        B. White.        C. Blue.
  (  ) 2. What meal are the speakers about to eat?
  A. Breakfast.   B. Lunch.   C. Dinner.
  (  ) 3. How many players will play the game?
  A. Two.   B. Three.   C. Four.
  (  ) 4. What will the man need to do during the holiday?
  A. Write papers.   B. Play basketball.   C. Take a vacation.
  (  ) 5. What does the woman ask the boy to wash?
  A. His hands.   B. His plates.   C. His clothes.
  (  ) 6. Who is the man most likely to be?
  A. A tourist.   B. A tour guide.   C. A French chef.
  (  ) 7. How will the speakers travel around the city?
  A. By bus.   B. By train.   C. By car.
  (  ) 8. What animal is the woman most likely looking at?
  A. A cat.   B. A dog.   C. A rabbit.
  (  ) 9. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. In a pet store.   B. In a pet clinic.   C. In a zoo.
  (  )10. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Strangers.   B. Schoolmates.   C. Teacher and student.
  (  )11. How does Neil get to school on most days?
  A. By walking with his friends.
  B. By getting a ride from his mother.
  C. By riding the school bus with his classmates.
  (  )12. What is the most difficult for Neil?
  A. English.   B. Science.   C. Physical education.
  (  )13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. A job they have to take.
  B. A project they have to do.
  C. A class they have to attend.
  (  )14. What does the woman think of CAPP?
  A. It will be boring.   B. It will be helpful.   C. It will be difficult.
  (  )15. What is the woman's best quality?
  A. She is reliable.   B. She is creative.   C. She is hard­working.
  (  )16. Where will the man probably volunteer?
  A. At a TV station.  
  B. On a construction site.  
  C. At a sporting goods store.
  (  )17. Where are the students told to eat during lunch?
  A. In the gym.   B. On the court.   C. In the cafeteria.
  (  )18. When will the math exams be held this year?
  A. On Wednesday.   B. On Thursday.   C. On Friday.
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