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  • 更新时间: 2018/7/10 6:41:34
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  第一卷(选择题 共70分)
  1. What does Mr White do?
  A. He is a repairman. B. He is a librarian. C. He is a teacher.
  2. What does the woman mean?
  A. She doesn’t like reading.
  B. She doesn’t like the balcony.
  C. She doesn’t like the view around.
  3. What is Jenny’s real opinion of the party?
  A. Exciting. B. Terrible. C. Interesting.
  4. What does the woman suggest the man do?
  A. Take three months off. B. Give up the program. C. Go to France.
  5. How much will the woman pay for her ticket?
  A. $ 470. B. $ 260. C. $ 210.
  6. Who is Laura Wilson according to the conversation?
  A. She is a class president. B. She is a candidate. C. She is a voter.
  7. What kind of person can be best described as wishy-washy?
  A. Someone who is always hesitating about something.
  B. Someone who is always making wrong choices.
  C. Someone who likes taking risks.
  8. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  A. On the road. B. In the office. C. At the theatre.
  9. What happened to the woman at last?
  A. She had an accident. B. She got a warning. C. She got a ticket.
  10. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Interviewer and interviewee.
  B. Doctor and patient.
  C. Teacher and student.
  11. Where did the woman finish her college life?
  A. In Oxford. B. In London. C. In Liverpool.
  12. Why did the woman leave her job?
  A. Because she didn’t like marketing.
  B. Because she didn’t want to be an assistant.
  C. Because she wanted to work in London.
  13. Why should we write a to-do list?
  A. It can help us go to sleep faster.
  B. It can help us sleep better.
  C. It can help us do things faster.
  14. How many participants took part in the research?
  A. 18. B. 30. C. 57.
  15. Which of the following is true?
  A. The majority of the adults have sleeping problems.
  b. People writing detailed to-do lists fall asleep fastest.
  C. The earlier people write a to-do list, the faster they get to sleep.
  16. I could have met the deadline for the report. I had an accident on my way to school, ________.
  A. too B. though C. afterwards D. therefore
  17. — Darling, can you give me a description of the nest in the tree outside?
  —Well, Mom, it just ________ your hair.
  A. reminds B. reflects C. resembles D. represents
  18. — The food here is terrible. If only we ________ to Pizza Hut instead.
  —But it is quiet here.
  A. went B. go C. will go D. had gone
  19. ________ to the present was a note, saying: “Than for invitation.”
  A. Being attached B. Attaching C. Attached D. Having attached
  20. Giving gifts is a tough nut to crack, which involves the giver thinking of the receiver’s ________ and then buying the gift and delivering it.
  A. preference B. profit C. progress D. preparation
  21. Numerous studies have found that ________ night owls, morning people are self-directed, agreeable and less likely to be depressed, drink or smoke.
  A. comparing to B. being compared to
  C. compared to D. having compared to
  22. We should always bear in mind ________ we have set out for, and redouble our efforts to achieve greater achievements in the new era.
  A. what B. which C. that D. how
  23. — Annie is a very clever girl, but why is she not popular with others?
  — Her proud manner tends to ________ people ________.
  A. put … through B. put … down C. put … up D. put … off
  24. On this occasion, ________ often happens even today, the public focused much more attention on the costumes of the performers than on the speeches they had to deliver.
  A. as B. that C. what D. when
  25. My father’s family name being Pirrip, and Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more ________ than Pip. So, I called myself Pip.
  A. evident B. elegant C. explicit D. effective
  26. Jerry, you ________ sit down and be quiet, or I will tell your father how you are acting.
  A. are about to B. are supposed to C. are likely to D. are able to
  27. It is impossible to enjoy a book, a football game or a conversation ________ attention is fully concentrated on the activity.
  A. if B. unless C. while D. when
  28. Kathy, I don’t like to argue, but ________ the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we don’t just have Hollywood films.
  A. in spite of B. in opposition to
  C. in agreement with D. in defence of

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