《Travelling abroad》ppt76(6份)

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人教新课标选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad Listening exercise 课件(共22张PPT)+素材 (6份打包)
U5 Listening.doc
U5 听力原文.doc
U5P5 Listening exercise.ppt
unit5 Using language-Listening.mp3
unit5 Workbook-Listening task.mp3
unit5 Workbook-Listening.mp3
  Using Language
  Lia (L) is planning to visit Peru. Listen to her conversation with a clerk at the travel agent (TA) about possible ways to travel.
  Listen again and fill in the blanks.
  TA: Can I help you?
  L: Yes, I want to go to _____. I’ve heard a lot about it.
  TA: Have you been there before?
  L: No, but I don’t want to go on a ____. I like to be ___________. Is it possible for me to travel alone?
  TA: Oh certainly. But you might find it difficult as it’s your ______ visit.
  L: Is it ___________ then?
  TA: Not really. Well, not in _____ towns anyway, where there are ______ tourists. However, I thin might be _______ on your own.
  L: Mmm! I suppose so. Well, what do you _______?
  TA: Let’s see. What kind of things do you ____ doing?
  L: Well, I enjoy visiting historical _____ and going to museums.
  TA: Of course there are _____ historical sites in Peru.
  L: Yes, but I also love __________. I’d like to go somewhere in the Andes. And I’ve heard that the _______ and ______ are really beautiful.
  TA: Mmm, I think I know the _______ place for you.
  L: Oh, good.
  TA: It’s called Cuzco. It’s a city _____ up in the Andes. It’s not far from the _______ city of Machu Picchu.
  L: Oh, yes, I’d really like to see that.
  TA: You can fly from Lima, the ______ of Peru, to Cuzco. We could boo into a _____ in Cuzco. Then you could take short tours from Cuzco ________ you want to. You’ll be able to get to lots of _________ places from there.
  L: That’s a great idea. I could travel to Cuzco and ____ in a hotel. When I want some ________ I could join a tour group for a few days.
  TA: Exactly. Look, here’s a brochure _____ the tours from Cuzco.
  L: Great. Thanks. Now please how much is the _______ to Cuzco?
  TA: Well, it _______ when you want to go ... (fading out)
  Mei Jie (M) has been on the Internet for some time and her friend Tim (T) asks her what she is doing. Listen to their conversation.
  Listen again and fill in the blanks.
  T: You’ve been on the Internet a _____ time. What are you doing?
  M: I’m doing __________ on my holiday.
  T: What holiday’s that?
  M: I’m going to _______ and _____ for three weeks.
  T: Really? When?
  M: Oh, in ______. During the holidays.
  T: But that’s nearly ______ months away!
  Using Language
  Lia (L) is planning to visit Peru. Listen to her conversation with a clerk at the travel agent (TA) about possible ways to travel.
  Listen again and fill in the blanks.
  TA: Can I help you?
  L: Yes, I want to go to Peru. I’ve heard a lot about it.
  TA: Have you been there before?
  L: No, but I don’t want to go on a tour. I like to be independent. Is it possible for me to travel alone?
  TA: Oh certainly. But you might find it difficult as it’s your first visit.
  L: Is it dangerous then?
  TA: Not really. Well, not in big towns anyway, where there are other tourists. However, I thin might be lonely on your own.
  L: Mmm! I suppose so. Well, what do you suggest?
  TA: Let’s see. What kind of things do you like doing?
  L: Well, I enjoy visiting historical sites and going to museums.
  TA: Of course there are many historical sites in Peru.
  L: Yes, but I also love mountains. I’d like to go somewhere in the Andes. And I’ve heard that the animals and plants are really beautiful.
  TA: Mmm, I think I know the perfect place for you.
  L: Oh, good.
  TA: It’s called Cuzco. It’s a city high up in the Andes. It’s not far from the ancient city of Machu Picchu.
  L: Oh, yes, I’d really like to see that.
  TA: You can fly from Lima, the capital of Peru, to Cuzco. We could boo into a hotel in Cuzco. Then you could take short tours from Cuzco whenever you want to. You’ll be able to get to lots of different places from there.
  L: That’s a great idea. I could travel to Cuzco and stay in a hotel. When I want some company I could join a tour group for a few days.
  TA: Exactly. Look, here’s a brochure with the tours from Cuzco.
  L: Great. Thanks. Now please how much is the airfare to Cuzco?
  TA: Well, it depends when you want to go ... (fading out)
  Mei Jie (M) has been on the Internet for some time and her friend Tim (T) asks her what she is doing. Listen to their conversation.
  Listen again and fill in the blanks.
  T: You’ve been on the Internet a long time. What are you doing?
  M: I’m doing research on my holiday.
  T: What holiday’s that?
  M: I’m going to France and Italy for three weeks.
  T: Really? When?
  M: Oh, in July. During the holidays.
  T: But that’s nearly three months away!
  M: Yes, but there’s a lot of planning to do.
  T: Like what?
  M: Well, I’ve been wort how much money I’ll need.
  T: Oh!

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