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  • 更新时间: 2016/7/23 19:08:10
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  (考试时间: 120分钟       满分: 120分)
  第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分15分)
  1. What was the weather like yesterday?
  A. Cloudy.          B. Rainy.            C. Sunny.
  2. What does the woman mean?
  16.She is happy to help.   B. She can’t afford any tips.   C. She is going to visit Henry soon.
  3. What is the woman asking about?
  A. How to get to the Great Wall.   B. If the man knows a group tour.       
  C. What the man will do this weekend.
  4. What did the woman thint her day?
  A. Boring and tiring.       B. Tiring but fun.            C. Relaxing and interesting.
  5. What are the two speakers probably doing?
  A. Playing tennis.         B. Climbing a mountain.       C. Running along the beach.
  6. Why does the man know David is injured?
  A. Because he saw David fall down yesterday.    B. Because David told him over the phone just now.  
  C. Because he met David in the park earlier today.
  7.  What can we know from the conversation?
  A. The woman doesn’t think skating is fun.      B. They will go skating tonight before 7 o’clock.      
  C. They will go skating tonight without David.
  8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Strangers.             B. Friends.               C. Neighbors.
  9.  How many children does the man have?
  A. At most three.          B. At least four.             C. At least five.
  10. What do we know about the man?
  A. He lacks friends.        B. He lives on his own.      C. He loves travelling around.
  11. Why did the man choose not to visit Beijing in the end?
  A. Because he didn’t like the hot weather there.  B. Because he had no friend to accompany him there.   
  C. Because he was told about a more popular tourist site.
  12. Which of the following places did the man miss visiting?
  A. The Huang Guo Shu Waterfalls.   B. The historical city Zunyi.   C. The Maling Gorge.
  13. What does the man probably think of his trip?
  A. Terrible.            B. Just so-so.          C. Fascinating.
  14. Why did Anne Lindbergh begin to write?
  A. To reduce her sadness.    B. To tell stories to her kids.   C. To record her flying times.
  15. What do we know about the boor of Gold, Hour of Lead’?
  A. It was written in the 1960s.         B. It told a story of a sad father and his son.          
  C. It was about the author’s happy and sad life events.
  16. Normally, a forest fire and the damage ________ causes can be very extensive, especially when you
  consider the financial and physical losses.
  A. which B. that C. this D. it
  17. The rescue team ________ through the ruins for survivors since last night.
  A. was combing    B. have been combing    C. did comb      D. has combed
  18. Celie’s situation was _____________ sympathy for, because it seemed as if God, the only person that she could ______________ for support, had turned his back on her.
  A. worth showing; turn to             B. worthwhile showing; correspond to       
  C. worthy being shown; turn to          D. worthy to be shown; subscribe to
  19. By no means ____________________________________ her.
  A. will I regret to acknowledge loving   B. I will regret to acknowledge loving
  C. will I regret acknowledging to love  D. will I regret acknowledging loving
  20. But for their instant rescue, the accident ______________ more lives.
  A. would have died      B. would claim       C. would have claimed     D. must have died
  21. The captain would rather _______ than ________ the official’s command that he _______ ship.
  A. died; obey ; abandoned          B. die; obey; abandon
  C. die; to obey; should abandon      D. died; obey; should abandon
  22. Environmentalists applauded the determination to fight heavy smog, ___

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