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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 272 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2016/7/15 17:10:17
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  - Why, you are wet all over!
  - I ________ just now and I rushed all the way here.
  A. was caught in the rain B. was caught by the rain
  C. caught by rain D. caught up a rain
  I don’t think it is teachers who _________ for giving students too much pressure.(   )
  A.are going to blame B.are to blame
  C.are to be blamed D.should blame
  My father ____ for Beijing on business tonight.
  A. is about to leave    B. has been leaving    C. is leaving   D. would leave
  A new stadium _______ next year, for an international tennis game will be held in this city.
  A. will build     B. will be built    C. has been built     D. has built
  Close the door of fear behind you, and you ____ the door of faith open before you.
  A. saw    B. have seen    C. will see D. are seeing
  By the time you __________ from college, you __________ English for sixteen years. Are you still going to communicate with foreign customers in such broken English?
  A. graduated, had learned B. graduated, learned
  C. graduate, have learned D. graduate, will have learned
  —Is this the first time you _______ to Kunming?
  —Yes, how excited I am!
  A. have come         B. will come       C. came              D. are coming
  Tom is going to talt the geography of his country ,but I would rather he _______more on its culture..
  A  focus  B  focused  C  would focus  D  had focused
  I am mad when my wife insists on selling the house. I _______ she would decide that.
  A. don’t think B. haven’t thought C. didn’t think D. hadn’t thought
  By the time I saw the angry expression on his face, I ______ exactly what I was having to face. But not for a moment ______ I should quit.
  A. had known; I thought      B. have known; had I thought
  C. would know; I would think         D. knew; did I think
  The audience is waiting anxiously to see which team______.
  A. wins            B. would win       C. will win      D. had win
  When I realized I _____at him, the boy turned away.
  A. will look         B. look          C. had look     D. was looking
  —Hi, Albert, I can’t find my reference book!
  —Sorry, I ______ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.
  A. use B. had used   C. am using  D. used
  She has owned the painting since 1950, when it ______ to her as a wedding present.
  A. has given B. gave C. was given D. has been given
  —Have you received a reply to your job application?
  —No. I ______.
  A. waited   B. am waiting   C. have waited D. had been waiting
  I should very much like to have gone to the party but I    .
  A.hadn’t been invited B.wasn’t invited
  C.wouldn’t be invited D.am not invited
  He stood at the window, thinking where he     his camera last.
  A.saw B.has seen C.had seen D.would see
  The book has been translated into thirty languages since it_________ on the market in 1973.
  A.had come B.has come C.came D.comes
  It's really a small world! I ________we would meet here.
  A.don't think B.haven't thought C.didn't think D.won't think

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