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  • 更新时间: 2016/7/8 21:38:18
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  第一部分听力(共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)
  1. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
  A. At a school. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket.
  2. How does the man advise the woman to get to the hotel?
  A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
  3. When did the film begin?
  A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
  4. Where did the woman spend her holiday last year?
  A. Guangzhou. B. Shanghai. C. Beijing.
  5. What is Tom?
  A. A writer. B. A lecturer. C. A researcher.
  6. How long has the woman had the temperature?
  A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days.
  7. Who goes to the hospital with the woman?
  A. Her sister. B. Her husband. C. Her brother.
  8. Why is the woman unhappy with the dog?
  A. It belongs to the boy.
  B. It looks seriously sick.
  C. It will make a mess in the house.
  9. Where did the boy find the dog?
  A. On the street. B. By the garbage can. C. In front of the house.
  10. What are they going to do with the dog?
  A. Keep it. B. Send it back. C. Give it away.
  11. What kind of ticket does the woman want?
  A. A free ticket. B. A round ticket. C. A one-way ticket.
  12. What’s happened to the ticket fare this month?
  A. It has gone up. B. It has dropped. C. It hasn’t changed.
  13. How many suitcases does the woman have altogether?
  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
  14. Why does the woman like San Francisco?
  A. It has less traffic.
  B. People there are friendlier.
  C. It has the best food and music.
  15. Which place is the woman’s hometown?
  A. Washington. B. San Francisco. C. A town in Pennsylvania.
  16. What does the woman think of the man’s English?
  A. Excellent. B. Strange. C. Acceptable.
  17. Why is the school called a “free school”?
  A. The students can arrive at any time.
  B. The students needn’t pay for tuition.
  C. The students can choose courses freely.
  18. Where are most people from 9:00 to 10:00?
  A. On the playground. B. In the living room. C. In the painting room.
  19. What does Miss Green probably teach?
  A. Math. B. Reading. C. Drawing.
  20. What do the students think of the washing-up?
  A. They don’t like it.
  B. They think it’s interesting.
  C. They think it’s Miss Cabell’s job.
  4-Day Classic Beijing Tour
  The 4-day classic Beijing tour is designed for tourists who come to visit China for the first time. It covers the most popular and typical places in Beijing, fully displaying the scenery, culture, history, local lifestyles and features, food and drinsiness, etc. for you.
  Day 1:Arrival in Beijing
  Your guide meets you at Capital Airport, and helps you check in at your hotel.
  Enjoy Beijing Duck as welcome dinner. Accommodation: Beijing downtown
  Day 2:The Great Wall & the Summer Palace
  Start your day at the most famous part of the Great Wall, the Badaling Great Wall. Leave the downtown for the Great Wall at 8 am. Since it is a long drive to the Great Wall (about 2 hours’riding) have a break at the Jade Museum on the way. Lunch will be enjoyed in a local restaurant. In the early afternoon come back to the city and have a sightseeing tour of the Summer Palace.
  Recommended Activity: Beijing Opera Show (Liyuan Theatre, 19:30-21: 10 every evening)
  Accommodation: Beijing downtown
  Day 3:Beijing city sightseeing & Local experience

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