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  • 更新时间: 2016/7/15 14:32:07
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.--- Finally I got to my grandmother’s home on foot.  --- Really? You ______ a ride there.
  A. could have taken          B. could take
  C. shouldn’t have ta ken     D. must have taken
  2.The ____ for speeding is so heavy that few drivers would take chances.
  A. prize       B. fare      C. fine       D. fee
  3.—The speech he gave in the hall was a great success. Don’t you think so?
  —Well, I agree with you ____.
  A. in a way        B. on the way
  C. by the way      D. in the way
  4. It is the third time that she has won the race,  ____ has surprised us all.
  A. that        B. where      C. which     D.  what
  5.The film we saw last night is called The Bridges of Madison County, which is _____ a novel by Robert James.
  A. based on           B. basing on
  C. based at           D. basing at
  6. A number of students_______ playing on the playground, but I don’t know what the exact number_______.
  A. is; is            B. are; are
  C.is; are            D. are; is
  7.— I hear you won the prize in the English Contest last week.
  — That was the second time that I ______ the prize.
  A. have got        B. got            C. get               D. had got
  8.— Did he break my glass________?     — No. Quite by accident.
  A.  on purpose        B. with purpose
  C. for purpose       D. at purpose
  9.The Brazilian novel, The Alchemist is said ________ into over twelve languages by the end of last year.
  A. to be translated
  B. being translated
  C. to have been translated
  D. having been translated
  10.— Why not meet Diana today?
  — I am sorry to tell you that she has been ________ from our company.
  A. explored     B. employed
  C. removed      D. interrupted
  11.More than 400 mainland tourists ________ from the landslide site till Saturday, but 18 others were still missing, because of the heavy rains.
  A. were rescued     B. have been rescued
  C. have rescued     D. are rescued
  12.A modern city has been set up in______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
  A. where            B. which
  C. that             D. what
  13. What is ________ at all is _____ well.
  A. worth doing ; worthy to be done
  B. worthy doing ;   worth  to be done
  C. worth being done ; worth of being done
  D. worthy of being done ; worthy doing
  14.Large quantities of meat ____ sold in that store at the present time.
  A. is being        B. are being
  C. will be         D. is
  15.— How much did he charge you ___ the service?     — Luckily, it's free ___ charge.
  A. for ; of         B. for ; for
  C. of ; for         D. of ;  of
  16. — What was it that made the young man ____ among the candidates(候选人)?
  — His ability, determination and above all, honesty.
  A. pict          B. run out
  C. give out          D. stand out
  17.________, the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was ________.

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