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  • 更新时间: 2016/6/28 13:22:49
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. The doctor told Kate’s parents last week that she ________ from her knee injury.
  A. recovers            B. is recovering
  C. has recovered       D. was recovering
  2. New Zealand is a beautiful country ________ is known for its pleasant climate and amazing scenery.
  A. who             B. whose             C. which              D. where
  3. When Lily worked as a nurse in the hospital, she experienced a joy in helping people ________ trouble.
  A. on              B. in                C. at                D. of
  4. When she asked Peter ________ he was out of work again, he nodded his head and said yes.
  A. that             B. when              C. whether            D. how
  5. After the earthquake, it seemed ________ the world was at an end.
  A. as for            B. even then          C. even if             D. as if
  6. We have put off the meeting till next week, ________ we will be all here.
  A. that             B. which             C. who              D. when
  7.The manager ________ for London for a business conference this afternoon. Can you get him to the airport?
  A. is leaving          B. left
  C. have left           D. was leaving
  8. As a matter of fact, I dislike this plan; I hope you can ________ a better one.
  A. care about         B. come up with
  C. go through         D. set up
  9.—What’s the weather like tomorrow?
  —I have no idea. Just a minute, I ________ it for you.
  A. will check         B. have checked
  C. checked            D. had checked
  10.________ the heavy rain, we didn’t go for picnic last weekend.
  A. In search of        B. Because of
  C. Instead of          D. Ever since
  11.People who often stay up too late are more likely to die of heart disease, _____ a study.
  A. with the help of  B. because of
  C. according to      D. as a result of
  12. The present media have changed our daily communication. The messages ______ most of us rely are briefer than they once were.
  A. to which      B. on which
  C. from that     D. in what
  13.The villagers went out to the mountain __________ the missing child.
  A. in a search of            B. looking after
  C. searched for              D. in search of
  14.—Sorry, sir, your computer isn’t ready yet. It _____ at present.
  ―That’s all right.

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