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  • 更新时间: 2016/6/24 9:57:46
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What is the problem for the man?
  A. He has to meet many people.
  B. He has to leave his friends.
  C. He has to travel a lot.
  2. How does the man think of the book?
  A. Humorous.       B. Scientific.        C. Popular.
  3. What’s the matter with the woman?
  A. She has caught a bad cold.
  B. She stayed online too long.
  C. She is allergic to paint smell.
  4. What does the man suggest the woman do?
  A. Consult a repair shop.
  B. Purchase another car.
  C. Fix the car herself.
  5. In which year is the man in college now?
  A. The first year.
  B. The second year.
  C. The third year.
  6. What has the woman ordered for herself?
  A. Milk.           B. Juice.          C. Coffee.
  7. Why does the man recommend strawberry juice?
  A. It’s sweeter.       B. It’s fresher.        C. It’s colder.
  8. Why is Jane upset?
  A. David fell in love with her.
  B. Kevin made up stories about her.
  C. She made a mistake in calculation.
  9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Teacher and student.
  B. Father and daughter.
  C. Employer and employee.
  10. How far away is Hill Farm?
  A. Nearly a mile.    B. Just one mile.    C. More than a mile.
  11. Which is the route to Hill Farm?
  A. Left track →bridge →road.
  B. Road →left track →bridge.
  C. Bridge →road →left track.
  12. What would the man like the woman to do towards the end of the conversation?
  A. Give him a ride.
  B. Repeat what she said.
  C. Walk him to Hill Farm.
  13. What is the woman doing?
  A. Hosting a TV show.
  B. Giving a lecture on poetry.
  C. Conducting a radio debate.
  14. How did the man’s mother contribute to his success in poetry?
  A. She sent him to poetry classes.
  B. She taught him to write business plans.
  C. She asked him to read from early childhood.
  15. What does the man find most difficult in writing?
  A. Choosing the right words.
  B. Describing real experiences.
  C. Getting an appropriate opportunity.
  16. What does the man say about his own writing?
  A. Creative.
  B. Successful.
  C. Encouraging.
  17. How do students enter the library?
  A. With a library account.
  B. With a student card.
  C. With a password.
  18. What is the maximum number of boorrent students can borrow?
  A. 12.            B. 11.          C. 9.
  19. What kind of books have to be returned within one week?
  A. Books borrowed by local residents.
  B. Books liked by a lot of people.
  C. Booblished recently.
  20. What will the speaker do next?
  A. Tell the students where to get bottled water.
  B. Take the students on a campus tour.
  C. Show the students around the library.
  A rising population is one of the main reasons that there is global warming. Between 1650 and 1850 the population increased by 0.75 billion people going from 0.25 billion to one billion. From 1930 to the end of the century the population rose from two billion to over six billion. In just a third of the time the population rose by more than five times what it did before. It is expected that this trend in the changing population will continue and could even heighten. The growing population requires increasing amounts of energy. These energy demands and other supplies require production, which almost always involves the emission of greenhouse gases. The more the population increases the more greenhouse gases that are produced and the greater the increase in temperature.
  The burning of fossil fuels is one of the best-known causes for global warming. The major reason for fossil fuels contributing so much to global warming is the release of carbon that occurs during the burning of fossil fuels. When people burn fossil fuels, they release large amounts of carbon by way of the release of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the air then leads to global warming.

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