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  高二 英语试题
  第一部分   听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What does the woman think is a good way to learn English?
  A. Watching the news on TV.  B. Listening to the radio.     C. Reading the newspapers.
  2. What is the woman going to do for the man?
  A. Wash the dishes.             B. Make the coffee.         C. Prepare dinner.
  3. What did the man forget to do?
  A. Gas up the car.             B. Take money with him. C. Book tickets to the play.
  4. How is the man feeling recently?
  A. Excited.                 B. Tired.                 C. Anxious.
  5. How long does it take the woman to go to school?
  A. About twenty minutes’ walk.   B. About ten minutes’ walk.  C. About twenty’s minutes’ bus ride.
  6. What does the woman’s mother probably do?
  A. A singer.    B. A baby sitter.         C. A teacher.
  7. What does the man think of the woman’s mother?
  A. Energetic.     B. Talkative.          C. Open-minded.
  8. Where does the woman know about monkeys?
  A. From TV.      B. From a newspaper. C. From the Internet.
  9. What does the man wish he could do?
  A. Travel around the world. B. Draw a picture of monkeys. C. Observe monkeys in the forest.
  10. Where was the woman probably last night when the man called her?
  A. At her teacher’s home. B. In the supermarket.    C. In the school.
  11. What does the woman think of her former English teacher?
  A. Strict.                 B. Humorous.           C. Professional.
  12. How old is the woman’s new English teacher?
  A. 25.                    B. 30.                 C. 35.
  13. How much did the woman spend on her guitar?
  A. 330 RMB.              B. 300 RMB.            C. 240 RMB.
  14. How does the woman learn to play the guitar?
  A. By taking lessons.      B. By teaching herself.       C. By joining a band.
  15. On which days does the woman learn to play the guitar?
  A. Tuesdays.              B. Saturdays.               C. Fridays.
  16. What kind of music does the woman prefer?
  A. Classical music.          B. Pop music.           C. Jazz music.
  17. How long was Martin Saltzman stuck in the elevator?
  A. One hour.              B. Two hours.              C. Three hours.
  18. Why did Angela Carraro say it was the best night she had ever had?
  A. She had a taste of adventure.
  B. Business was better than usual.
  C. She sold more candles than before.
  19. How much did the store in downtown Manhattan may lose?
  A. $5,000.             B. $15,000.               C. $50,000.
  20. How long did the power failure last?
  A. Nearly 10 hours.        B. Nearly 12 hours.         C. Nearly 24 hours.
  第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy – five, he gave $ 60,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s ground.
  As a result of his kindness, he became famous. Many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be hundred. The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection (注射) in my neck each evening,” he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.
  The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.
  21. Johnson became a rich man through _______.
  A. doing business  B. making whisky   C. cheating     D. buying and selling land
  22. The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson _______.
  A. had many children in the school     B. was a strange old man
  C. was very fond of children          D. was very kind
  23. Many people wrote to Johnson to find out _______.
  A. what kind of whisky he had         B. how to live longer
  C. how to become wealthy            D. in which part of the neck to have an injection
  24. When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that _______.
  A. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening
  B. he needn’t an injection in the neck
  C. a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well
  D. there was something wrong with his neck
  A family has been defined as a couple and their children, sharing a common house and dividing the work by gender. In general, the woman has to be at home, looking after her children, while the man wortside the home. In fact, in 2014, only 15 percent of all American families resembled the so-called typical American family.
  Nuclear Family (The Formal Type!)
  A nuclear family is considered to be the most traditional family, consisting of a mother, a father, and the children. This family type holds a lot of respect by society, known as the ideal one to raise children. It is believed that children belonging to the two-parent structure families are stable. However, with changing times, it has been observed that the nuclear structure has become less popular.
  Single Parent Family (Mostly the Breadwinner Parent!)
  A single parent is the one who looks after the child without the assistance of the other parent. The child can be by birth or adoption. Single parent families are often the result of death of another parent, divorce of a couple with children, or child abuse. There’s another case where adults who want children but do not have a partner, adopt sually termed as single parent adoption.
  Grandparent-led Family (The Wrinkled Affection!)

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