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  • 资源大小: 4.31 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/6/16 19:42:00
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What do you know about the woman?
  A. She had to work overtime.    B. She failed to see Henry.    C. She had a traffic accident.
  2. What does the man mean?
  A. He wonders why the woman is here.   B. He himself is Dr. Johnson.   
  C. The doctor will be here soon.
  3. What is the man?
  A. A reporter.               B. A patient.           C. A scientist.
  4. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. At a restaurant.       B. In a classroom.     C. In a shop.
  5. How will the two speakers go to London?
  A. By car.           B. By air.        C. By train.
  6. Why are Mondays terrible for the man?
  A. He doesn’t want to work after the weekend.
  B. Monday is full of difficult lessons for him.
  C. Monday means the beginning of a whole week.
  7. What subjects does the man seem to like?
  A. Art and Music.        B. English and Maths.       C. Geography and Maths.
  8. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. In the restaurant.         B. In the hotel.             C. At home.
  9. What time does the dining-room close?
  A. At 8:30 pm.             B. At 9:30 am.          C. At 10:30 am.
  10. What will the man do?
  A. Make a call to Room Service.    B. Go to a restaurant.   C. Buy something to eat.
  11. Who is Frank Stone?
  A. A friend of the woman’s.    B. A visitor to the clinic.    C. A patient of Dr. Milton’s.
  12. Why won’t Mr Stone come to the clinic tomorrow?
  A. The clinic will be closed.        B. Dr. Milton won’t come to work.   
  C. He can’t spare the time.
  13. When is the clinic open in a week?
  A. During the whole week.         B. On weekdays except Thursday.    
  C. From Monday to Friday.
  14. When will Mr Stone see Dr. Milton?
  A. At 6:15 pm on Wednesday.       B. At 6:15 pm on Thursday. 
  C. At 5:30 pm on Wednesday.
  15. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Schoolmates.        B. Teacher and student.      C. Strangers.
  16. Why is Jeanie here earlier?
  One Canada, Two Languages
  Canada is one of the few nations in the world to have two official languages: English and French. There are 10 provinces in the country but only one of these—Quebec is known as “French Canada”. This is because it was founded by French explorers while British adventurers discovered the rest.
  Canada left the British empire(帝国) in 1867 to become an independent country and English and French have been recognized as the official languages ever since.
  Most people speak English as their first language

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