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  英 语 试 卷
  卷I (选择题,共80分)
  1. A. pet      B. cat       C. hat
  2. A. 9:55     B. 10:05     C. 10:15
  3. A. gave away    B. gave up    C. gave off
  4. A. There are too many robots now.
  B. The robots will be more somewhere.
  C. The robots will be everywhere in the future.
  5. A. Jane didn’t come to school today.
  B. The teacher asked Jane not to leave today.
  C. Jane was asked to leave by the teacher today.
  6. A. He is an engineer.    B. He is very well.     C. He is humorous.
  7. A. No, you mustn’t.      B. No, you’d better not.     C. No, you don’t have to.
  8. A. That’s all right.       B. That’s right.       C. All right.
  9. A. Sure, let’s go.       B. Yes, please.      C. Of course I do.
  10. A. Yes, I will.         B. I agree with you.   C. It’s kind of you to say so.
  11. A.    B.    C. 
  12. A.  B.   C. 
  13. A. She feels tired. B. She feels sick. C. She feels full.
  14. A. Not to walnd. B. Not to speadly. C. Not to throw books.
  15. A. For five days. B. For six days. C. For twelve days.
  16. What is the weather like today?
  A. It’s sunny.           B. It’s windy.          C. It’s rainy.
  17. How did Miss Smith go to work yesterday?
  A. By bus.              B. By taxi.            C. By bike.
  18. What happened to Miss Smith on Tuesday?
  A. The bus was too full for her to get on.
  笔 试 部 分
  26. Each of us plays ________ important role in our society.
  A. a   B. an    C. the    D. /
  27. Don’t play computer games too much. It’s bad ________ your eyes.
  A. for  B. with   C. on    D. at
  28. We can’t learn ________ in one day. We should work step by step.
  A. something   B. anything    C. nothing   D. everything
  29. Sorry, Mr. Lee isn’t in. You can leave a ________ to him.
  A. letter   B. message     C. diary   D. notice
  30. My uncle’s car is still new, though he ________ it for five years.
  A. buys   B. bought   C. has bought    D. has had
  31. Plant more trees, ________ we’ll have a better environment.

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