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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/30 9:47:05
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  英 语 试 卷
  卷I (选择题,共85分)
  1. A. speed B. speak C. speech
  2. A. GN756 B. KA756 C. KN765
  3. A. worries about B. thint C. talt
  4. A. Handan Museum is open every day.
  B. Handan Museum is open on Monday.
  C. Handan Museum is closed on Monday.
  5. A. The film started 10 minutes ago.
  B. The film will start in ten minutes.
  C. The film will last 10 more minutes.
  6. A. Good luck. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Sorry to hear that.
  7. A. She is fifteen. B. She is fine. C. She is tall.
  8. A. I will, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. Here you are.
  9. A. Three months ago. B. In four days. C. For five days.
  10. A. It’s my pleasure. B. I hope so. C. Than.
  A.    B.        C.
  A.    B.        C.
  13. A. Doctor and patient. B. Mother and son. C. Father and daughter.
  14. A. Juice. B. Coffee. C. Tea.
  15. A. She visited her friends. B. She toosic class. C. She went to a concert.
  16. A. Boat on the lake.   B. Have a picnic.   C. Climb mountains.
  17. A. By bus.   B. On foot.    C. By bike.
  18. A. Derek.    B. Betty.    C. David.
  19. What is popular for most children in China in spring?
  A. Riding a bike. B. Flying a kite. C. Having a test.
  20. How much time do American students have for a rest in March?
  A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. One month.
  21. What do the Japanese children in the south do in March?
  A. Watch flowers. B. Go hiking. C. Work to make money.
  22. What program will follow this radio talk?
  A. Music.         B. News. C. Weather report.
  笔 试 部 分
  26. Come on! You can make it if you have ________ try.
  A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
  27. Could you record the basketball game for me? I can’t watch ________ later.
  A. it B. one C. these D. those
  28. Jessica took part in the English competition ________ the morning of April tenth.
  A. in B. on C. to D. by
  29. Can you share your book with me? I left ________ at home.
  A. me B. my C. mine D. myself
  30. Could you please bring me some ________? I’m thirsty.
  A. chicken B. beef C. bread D. orange
  31. Loor clothes are wet through. It must be raining ________.
  A. loudly B. hardly C. heavily D. clearly
  32. Our school football team lost the match, ________ we still have confidence in them.
  A. but B. or C. and D. so
  33. I know what will happen in the end, for I ________ the film before.
  A. was seeing B. have seen C. will see D. see
  34. You ________ swim in the river. It’s so dangerous.
  A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. have to D. had better
  35. Bob is so clever. It ________ him only two minutes to wort the hard problem.
  A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid
  36. To save more energy, you’d better ________ the light in the daytime.
  A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down
  37. We don’t know ________ it next. Let’s go and ask Mr. Wang for help.
  A. to do what B. what to do
  C. to do whether D. whether to do
  38. John seems to have a cold ________ the weather changes suddenly.

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