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  • 更新时间: 2014/8/28 14:06:02
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  第Ⅰ卷   选择题 
  第二部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Elijah Evaluarjuk and his family lost their prized boat, but nearly 13 years later, they have the boat back at home.
  “It was a really big deal,” Evaluarjuk told the National Post. “The boat was quite expensive for us. We had a small boat before that.”
  The family was away on a weenting trip when a storm unmoored(使拔锚) the boat. When they returned to their home in the small town, the boat had disappeared. Eventually, the family got a new boat, though it was more modest than the boat they had lost.
  “We thought that that was the end of our boat.” Evaluarjuk said. “We thought it must be at the bottom of the ocean.”
  Even with modern technology, a number of ships sink or go missing each year. In 2012 alone, 67 large boats were reported to have sunk or gone missing.
  In the summer of 2012, a team of polar bear researchers showed up at the family’s hotel, located on a small island near Canada
  While on an expedition(探险),the polar bear researchers spotted a large, shiny object beached on a tiny nearby island. They landed to examine and found that the object was actually the long-missing boat.
  “They toores of it, and sure enough it was our boat,” Evaluarjuk told the CBC and it was still in working condition. “Polar bears had broken the windows but otherwise it was as good as new. So we shined it up and pulled it home,” Evaluarjik said.
  It was also an emotional moment for Evaluarjuk, whose parents had died between the time the boat was lost and its rediscovery. The returned boat was a big deal for the family’s community, too. Many showed up to welcome the boat back home.
  21. The Evaluarjuks’ missing boat _____.
  A. floated away in a storm
  B. sank to the bottom of the ocean
  C. was stolen when the family was away
  D. was lost when the family went hunting in it
  22. After losing the boat, the Evaluarjuks_____.
  A. tried hard to get it back
  B. bought a secondhand boat
  C. asked many people for help
  D. thought they would lost it forever
  23. How did the family find their missing boat?
  A. A hotel worker saw it while travelling.
  B. They saw pictures of it in a research lab.
  C. They found it near Canada.
  D. Some researchers discovered it accidentally.
  24. When the family found the missing boat, it _____.
  A. was damaged seriously
  B. was hard to recognize
  C. was able to operate normally
  D. was as good as a brand-new boat
  Over 5000 people camp on-site at the National Folk Festival (5-9 April 2014) at Exhibition Park in Canberra, Australia, and it is by far the best way to experience the festival.
  •Camping is only available by purchasing a SEASON + CAMPING ticket.
  •A limited number of SEASON + CAMPING tickets are available. These can be purchased on our official website from September 1, 2013 until sold out.
  •Season Camping ticyers intending to bring a vehicle into the campground must purchase a Campground Vehicle Pass ($20).
  •Access to camp sites opens on Monday, 2 April at 11 am. All campers need to leave the site by Wednesday 11 April at 11 am.
  •Parking is available for free at Wells Station Roa

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