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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/2 19:59:36
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  (考查时间:120分钟)(考查内容 boole 1~3)(满分:150分)
  一、听力测试 :共两节 20个小题 每小题0.5分 共10分
  听下面 5段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有十秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下列小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
  1. Which bus goes right to the front of the zoo?
  A. T--3      B. T--6      C. Z--4
  2. What does the man thinld be sold to develop new markets?
  A. Tennis shoes   B. Sports clothes    C. Running shoes
  3. Where will the two speakers meet?
  A. At the entrance of the station B. At the entrance of the cinema  C. At the entrance of the church
  4. How will the woman pay for the meal?
  A. With Master card  B. With Visa card  C. With cash
  5. What does the woman probably lit the film?
  A. The dialogue     B. The music     C. The story
  6. Which part of body was the woman’s brother injured?
  A. His leg    B. His head   C. His hand
  7. Where does the woman live?
  A. At 245 Main Street  B. At 254 Pine Street   C. At 254 Main Street
  8. What is the woman’s article about?
  A. The students’ play  B. A local newspaper C. Her school career
  二、单项选择  共15个小题 每小题1分 共15分
  21. Li Keqiang, graduated from __________ Department of Economics of Peniversity,was elected _________ Premier of the People's Republic of China.
  A. a; the            B. /;the          C. the;/           D. the; a
  22. “Impression Pingyao”, an cultural show _________ to display Pingyao’s rich history and culture was brought to stage by three directors, including Zhang Yimou.
  A. intended       B. intending        C. is intended      D. to intend
  23. ---It is reported that several _________ teams will compete in the 4th World College Students Dragonboat Race ,which will be held in Taiyuan in June.
  ---I can’t wait to see.
  A. controversial     B. complicated       C. consecutive      D. competitive
  24. ____________ jumped into the freezing river to rescue the drowning girl deserved to be praised.
  A. Anyone         B. Who           C. Whoever     D.  No matter who
  25. _____ my school days in the Affiliated High School of Shanxi University, I had a sense of pride.
  A. Loop to    B. Looking down upon C. Looking away from   D. Looking back on
  26. It has been announced that the dispute will be ____________ through negotiation.
  A. voted            B. elected            C. seized             D. settled

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