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  • 更新时间: 2012/8/17 17:18:48
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  第一部分 英语知识运用  (共两节.满分45分)
  第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. The boy was in _________danger of losing his life, but __________most famous doctor saved his life.
  A. the ; a      B./; the    C. the; the    D/;a  
  2. __________ speed and comfort, bicycles can’t match other means of transportation like cars and trains.
  A. In terms of           B. In case of          C. In stead of        D. In spite of 
  3. __________ in central Shanxi Province, Pingyao is famous for its ancient city walls and its architecture which date from the Ming Dynasty.
  A. Locate              B. To locate            C. Located          D. Locating
  4. The teacher, together with his students __________ discussing Writing Skills that __________ newly published in China.
  A. are; were    B. is ; were    C. are; was    D is ; was
  5. –Peter told me he wanted to come with us. Is that OK with you?
  --I don’t mind _________he pays for his meals.
  A. as far as       B. as long as         C. as well as          D as soon as
  6. It suddenly __________ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.
  A. happened    B. occurred    C. thought    D. took place 
  7. By the time Jacrned home from England, his son __________from college.
  A. graduated    B. has graduated   C. had been graduating  D. had graduated
  8. we are invited to a party __________in our club next Friday.
  A. to be held    B. held     C. being held    D. holding
  9. I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _______ in the city.
  A. ones    B. one    C. that     D. those
  10. He tried hard to keep calm in face of the policemen, but the sweat on his forehead _________.
  A. turned him down  B. gave him away   C. showed him out  D. shut him off
  11. The school rules state that no child _____ out of the school, unless accompanied by an adult.
  A. shall allow    B. shall be allowed   C. will allow   D. will be allowed
  12. Everything __________into consideration, the plan seems to be practical.
  A. takes     B. took     C. taken    D. to be taken
  13. It is said that the people of Shandong Province are the most __________in helping others.
  A. general    B. generous    C. gentle    D. positive
  14. –You’re coughing badly, Martin. Why not give up smoking?
  --Give up smoking? Easier said than done, Amy. Once you _________ the habit of smoking, it is very had for you to _________.
  A. p; break it away    B. tap; drop it out
  C. pick up; get rid of it     D. build up; do a

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