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  • 更新时间: 2012/8/14 20:34:58
  • 资源来源: 会员改编
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  A)单项真空   从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  1.English is         useful language we should learn it well
  A. a          B. an           C. the           D不填
  2.—         does Mrs. Li wash her car?  —Once a week
  A How long        B How often           C How far       D How soon
  3.The 12th National Games        in Shenyang next year. Why not prepare yourself to be a volunteer(志愿者)
  A holds      B is held       C will be held        D will hold
  4.We need some more coffee There is only          left.
  A too many       B too much       C a little       D a few
  5.It         usually        at this time of year, but today it is raining heavily
  A is; raining       B won’t; rain    C has; rained        D doesn’t; rain
  6. A traffic jam will make it possible for most drivers to sit and wait        
  A slowly       B .quietly       C. quickly    D. happily
  7.—Do you thinters are more expensive than they were five years ago?
  —No , they are         
  A. cheap      B. cheaper    C. cheapest      D. the cheapest
  8. The        in that restaurant looks delicious, but it tastes bad
  A. cook      B. table      C. food       D. tool
  9. You       jump onto a bus while it is still moving. It is too dangerous.
  A. can       B. must        C. can’t        D. mustn’t
  10. It is easy to find a good hotel in our city         we have many of them here.
  A. though       B. because      C. when       D. if
  11. The exhibition shows        200 paintings of young, exciting artists form France
  A. at        B. with        C. about         D. in
  12. After the students        their exams, they celebrated by having a party
  A. passed      B. failed        C. joined       D. gave 
  13—peter has hurt his leg
  A. good news        B. well done      C. than      D. that’s terrible
  14. —I wonder       pet fish
  —They are a pleasure t watch.
  A. why people keep             B. why do people keep  
  C. where people keep            D. where do people keep
  15. It is reported that people throw       plastic bags along this street every city
  A. hundred        B. hundreds       C. hundred of       D. hundreds of
  A:Hello, Doris. Let’s go the movies this afternoon .
  B:Sorry, I’ve got to do the washing . But what about coming to help me?  16 
  A:Well, er that might be difficult
  B:   17  
  A:Um, ah, I don’t know how to use a washing machine.
  B:No problem We haven’t got one.   18 
  A:Yes, but you see, er , I’m a boy.   19 
  B:What rubbish! If you don’t help me , I’ll never go to the movies with you again.
  A:  20 
  A. Boys don’t wash clothes.
  B. We use our hands.
  C. Why?
  D. Then we can finish early and go.
  E. Perhaps we’ll go shopping.
  F. I’m coming immediately to see you.
  G. So do I.
  二、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

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