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  • 资源大小: 138 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/7/29 0:05:05
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  考试时间:120分钟   试卷分值:150分
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共115分)
  1. When will the man`s bus leave?
  A. 8:15           B. 8:30          C. 8:50
  2. How long will they have to wait before the game starts?
  A. 10 minutes      B. 45 minutes     C. Half an hour
  3. Why does the woman tell the man to ask Ann?
  A. She is a librarian    B. She owns a bookstore   C. She probably has the book.
  4. Where is the woman?
  A. In Washington      B. In Chicago       C. In Miami
  5. What did the woman say about her dictionary?
  A. She lost it   B. She gave it to others   C. She has already borrowed a new one.
  6. What can the woman be?
  A. A waitress at a hotel 
  B. A customer of the Big Hotel 
  C. She works at the Big Hotel
  7. How could the man get in touch with Dr. Smith?
  A. Dial 411 to find a proper phone number     B. Dial 303     C. Find the hotel
  8. Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?
  A. To enter the room     B. To get on the bus    C. To make a phone call.
  9. What does the man want to learn?
  A. Computer science     B. Sch as driving     C. A language
  10. How long does the course last?
  A. About 20 days     B. About 35 days      C. About 30 days.
  11. When can he take the final exam?
  A. From Sept. 15th to 17th    B. From Aug. 16th to 18th   C. From July 12th to 16th.
  12. Why does the man go to the travel agency?
  A. To get advice on where to spend his vacation.
  B. To get information about night clubs.
  C. To pay a visit to his friend, the travel agent.
  13. What is the man most interested in seeing?
  A. Monuments      B. Museums     C. Night life

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