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  • 更新时间: 2012/6/21 11:06:48
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  时间:90分钟    满分:100分
  第一部分 选择题(共四节,满分75分)
  1. I’m very disappointed with my neighbour.She said she would keep her cat off my grass,but she_____.
  A.didn’t   B.hasn’t   C.wouldn’t   D.hadn’t
  2. Large quantities of rescues relief _______ to the earthquake--hit areas each day.
  A. is sending    B. is being sent  C. are sending    D. are being sent
  3.There was nothing to eat at home so we_______ getting a takeaway.
  A picp     B took up      C made up      D ended up
  4. Dinosaurs have been extinct from the earth, never ____________ again.
  A. seen         B. being seen        C. to be seen       D. having been seen
  5. Jack had traveled six miles across the channel ___________ his engine failed and was forced to land on the sea.
  A. until            B. after              C. since          D. when
  6. Xiamen is _____________ most beautiful city and we’ve decided to stay _________ fifth day.
  A. a; a             B. a; the            C. the; a          D. the; the
  7. I think _____________ dictionary is enough for us students.
  A. such one        B. so a                C. one such        D. a so
  8. ____________some teenagers don’t realize is _____________ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.
  A. What; how     B. That; how     C. What; what a      D. That; what
  9. They had a pleasant chat _____________ a cup of coffee.
  A. with            B. during         C. over          D. for
  10. She always dreams of there _____________ a chance to go abroad for further study.
  A. being          B. to be              C. is                D. will be
  11.I couldn’t ______ what they were saying, for they both spoke to me at once.
  A. listen to     B. mat  C. hear      D. map
  12.Students who fail to meet the ________ of the course will fail.
  A achievements     B requirements   C agreements       D combinations
  13.-----Have you any letters ______, sir?
  -----No, thanks.
  A. to type       B. to be typed     C. to be typing       D. typed
  14.The government is _____ to everyone to save water.
  A. asking      B. appealing     C. declaring     D. announcing
  15.They _____ out the problem but failed.
  A. succeed in working  B. managed to worght to worght working

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