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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/28 14:03:06
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What is the woman going to do?
  A. Ask for help. B. Leave the window open.    C. Shut the window.
  2. What can we know about Lisa and Eric?
  A. They don’t want to have children for the time being.  
  B. They will start a family as soon as they get married.  
  C. They had a baby two years ago.
  3. Where did the speakers plan to go?
  A. A shopping center. B. An opera house.   C. The parking lot.
  4. Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In a street. B. In a bank.   C. In a shop.
  5. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient.        B. Teacher and students.       C. Roommates.
  6. What are the man’s parents?
  A. Salespeople. B. Restaurant owners.   C. Supermarket owners.
  7. What did the man offer to the students?
  A. Drinks. B. Meals.        C. Clothes.
  8. When does the conversation take place?
  A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.   C. In the evening.
  9. What is the boy doing?
  A. Watching TV. B. Listening to music.   C. Watching the video.
  10. Why is the woman tired in the daytime?
  A. She can’t sleep well at night. 
  B. She has too much work to do.  
  C. She worries about the boy.
  11. Why does the woman find drama and theatre useful?
  A. It helps her to attract more public attention.     
  B. It strengthens her relationship with students.
  C. It enables her to understand people better.
  12. How do the woman’s students respond to her way of teaching English?
  A. Passively. B. Positively.   C. Sensitively.
  13. What is the woman going to do if she has a Ph. D course?
  A. Promote Asian theatre to the world.        
  B. Introduce more theatre to the Asian countries.
  C. Bring her college more Asian theatre.
  14. Why does the woman need some special things?
  A. To have a happy marriage.
  B. To celebrate her wedding party.
  C. To make herself pretty at the wedding party.
  15. What has the woman got from her grandmother?
  A. A wedding dress. B. A diamond ring.    C. Blue flowers.
  16. On the sea near Diaoyu Island, ________ Chinese fishing boat was stopped by the Japanese and
  ________ sailors were arrested illegally.
  A. a; the B. the; the            C. a; 不填D. the; 不填
  17. As a teacher you have to ______ your methods to the needs of slower children.
  A. recommend     B. distribute      C. reflect          D. adjust
  18. ---What do you think of the concert?
  ---        , it’s not bad, though several songs are out-of-date.
  A. All in all       B. In the meanwhile  C. On average    D. Above all
  19. Tom was very glad          to attend the ceremony.
  A. being allowed      B. to have been allowed C. having allowed    D. to have allowed
  20. ---Is that the small town you often talt?
  ---Right, just the one________ you sed to work for years.
  A. that.            B. which         C. where.     D. what.
  21. The committee has         the plan we’d like to see          next week.
  A. agreed with; to be carried out B. approved of; carried out
  C. agreed to; being carried out D. approved of; being carried out
  22. ---Which one can I take?
  ---You can take        of them; I am interested in neither of them.
  A. neither            B. all         C. some      D. both
  23. Small as it is, the ant is ______ any other animal on the earth.
  A. much as a creature as      B. as much a creature as
  C. a creature as much as      D. as much as a creature
  24. We’d like to go out for a meal on Thursday evening —does that ______ with your plans?
  A. settle in    B. fit in      C. break in     D. take in
  25. They are going to fly to Yunnan,         it is warm in this season.
  A. where         B. which      C. as       D. when
  26. It is a great         to know that no one got injured in this traffic accident.
  A. comfort B. safety C. shelter D. rest
  27. --Dad, can you meet my demand        I         a chance to travel to Beijing?
  --Unless you will get an A in the final exam.
  A. as; will be given                B. what; should be given  
  C. that; be given                D. that; might be g

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