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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/8 0:05:35
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  命题:公彩荣   审题人:李辉军
  第一卷 (选择题,共95分)
  第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  1. gather   A. admire      B. sadness      C. award        D. harvest
  2. custom   A. hunter      B. beauty       C. rude         D. issue
  3. theatre   A. wealthy     B. nearby       C. measure      D. pearl
  4. existed   A. asked       B. pleased      C. chatted       D. balanced
  5. clothing  A. cloth       B. thought       C. healthy      D. therefore
  第二节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  6._____we will have______ good harvest this year is not known.
  A. If; a        B.That; the
  C.Whether; a          D. Whether;不填
  7. I don’t thin should mention it at the beginning of the story ,or it may _______the shocking ending .
  A. give out       B.give off         C. give up     D. give away
  8. ______from the moon , the earth is round.
  A. seen       B.seeing           C. see    D. to see
  9. You can’t even imagine the top student _______have failed in the exam.
  A.should         B.could           C. need       D. must
  10. Do you know the singer and dancer who _______at the gate of the school?
  A. is standing      B.are standing     C.stand     D. standing 
  11. —There is no light on.
  —They _____be at home now.
  A.must’t       B.can’t          C. needn’t     D. shouldn’t
  12. It is so noisy, I will appreciate ______if you turn the radio down.
  A.that            B. when          C. it            D. what
  13. ----have you visited the opera house ?
  ----yes, when I was in Sydney,I _______visited it twice.
  A. have visited         B. had visited
  C. would visit       D. visited
  14. The English spoSA is quite different from _____spoken in England.
  A. it             B.one            C.that           D. what
  15. If the government have illegal immigrants______in,many local workers will lose their jobs.
  A. came         B. coming           C. to come       D. having come
  16.The beautiful song _______of my childhood.
  A.informs        B.reminds            C. in search      D.in place
  17. —What about having a drink?
  —          .
  A. Good idea             B.Help yourself   
  C.Me too                D.Go ahead ,please
  18.He works in a factory ______makes TV sets_____all around the world.
  A.that,selling            B. where,sold
  C. that,to sell          
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