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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/13 17:31:55
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  共     4  页  , 满分150分
  第一部分 语音辨别
  从下面A,B C D四个选项中选出与所给单词划线部分相同的选项
  1. accuracy      A . acute     B. fade        C. alphabet     D. age
  2. onion        A ripen       B. ride        C. slide        D. whistle
  3. convenient    A merry      B. procedure   C. reform       D. correct
  4. miserable     A slip        B. insert       C. resist       D. surf 
  5. racial        A socialist     B. crossing    C. vice         D. accident
  pole      A occur        B. most        C. sob         D. nod
  shabby    A acute        B. bathtub      C. passive      D. about
  file       A string        B. ripe        C. valid        D. tip 
  clear      A hear         B. bear        C. heard       D. heart
  asked     A wanted       B. reminded    C. stayed       D. watched
  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  6.— Lovely weather, isn’t it?
  — Yes, a bit hot, ______.
  A. although  B. but   C. though   D. yet
  7. ______ herself with other girls, she feels she is quite lucky.
  A. Comparing B. Compared  C. To compare  D. Being compared
  8.. Not until the train pulled into the next station ______ her suitcase gone.
  A. Mary had found     B. had Mary found
  C. did Mary find      D. Mary found
  9. ______ it have been the failure to pick up directions from the ground control that caused the air crash?
  A. Must  B. Could   C. Would   D. Should
  10.When it______ air pollution, Beijing faces the three “C” s-----cars,coal and construction,which lead to Beijing's thick air pollution.
  A. refers to  B. comes to  C. happens to  D. speaks to
  11. Wang Pin is an advanced worker in our company. He _______ for four years in Yangzhou University.
  A. studied  B. has studied  C. had studied  D. has been studying
  12. — I put him down for a well-educated man.
  —______ ?
  — I mean that he's a well-educated man.
  A. I beg your pardon     B. Speader, will you
  C. What’s that      D. Will you repeat word for word
  13. George Washington was born in 1732 in a rich family in _______ is now the state of Virginia.
  A. which        B. where              C. that             D. what
  14. You can only be sure of _______ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something ______ you might get in the future.

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