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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/2 17:35:45
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  1.When will the dress be ready at the earliest?   
  A. By Tuesday morning.       B. By Thursday morning.
  C. By Thursday afternoon.
  2.How much does the computer cost today?
  A. $100.           B. $150.                C. $200.
  3.Where does the man want to go? 
  A. To the bank.          B. To the bookstore.        C. To the cinema.
  4.What is the probable relationship(关系) between the two speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient.       B. Teacher and student.      C. Classmates.
  5.Why does the woman like the blacse better?
  A. Its yard is better.         B. It is more beautiful.       C. It has more rooms.
  6.Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In a hotel. B. In Tom’s house. C. In Mrs. Read’s house
  7.What else has Tom taken except fish and chips?
  A. A vegetable salad and some beef. 
  B. A vegetable salad and a potato salad.   
  C. a potato salad and some beef.
  8。What does the cab (出租车)meter(计价器) say?
  A.$ 14.80.            B. $20.40.     C. $40.80.
  9. How much was the woman’s fee for the same route(线路)last time?
  A.$20.00.      B. $20.80.     C. $40.40.
  10. Which country does the girl come from?
  A. France.      B. Canada.     C. Germany.
  11. The sportsman didn’t manage to break ______ record, but it was ______ good try.
  A. a, the   B. the, a   C. a, 不填   D. the, 不填
  12. California is ______ state in the USA but has the largest population.
  A. the third largest  B. third largest  C. the third large  D. third large
  13. In order to make a living abroad, John had to hunt for a _______ job instead.
  A. comfortable       B. simple        C. temporary       D. satisfied
  14. One suggestion is to have a picnic and the other is to go to the museum. Personally, I prefer      the _____.
  A. last           B. next           C. later           D. latter
  15._____ the bad weather,we enjoyed our holiday.
  A. Despite        B. As a result of    C. Because of      D. Thanks to
  16. It is believed in some science fiction stories that the world may one day be _____ by insects.
  A. broken in      B. run over      C. taken over     D. filled in
  17. He pretended to be French, but his German accent _______.
  A. gave him up     B. gave him off      C. gave him out    D. gave him away
  18. The news has spread all over the country _____ the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.
  A. that     B. which     C. whether     D. what
  19. It is _____ fashion differs from country to country ______ may reflect the cultural differences from one respect.
  A. /; that         B. that; /          C. what; that       D. that; that 
  20. _______ attracts people to California is its pleasant climate and relaxed lifestyle.
  A. That    B. What    C. How    D. Which
  21. ------ Look! How long ______ like this?
  ------Three weeks! It’s usual here that rain ______ without stopping these days of the year.
  A. has it rained; pours        B. has it been raining; pours
  C. is it raining; is pouring    D. does it rain; pours
  22. ------The telephone is ringing.
  ------I _____ answer it.
  A. will       B. am going to        C. am to         D. am about to
  23.Generally speaking,______ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.
  A. when taking     B. when taken     C. when to take    D. when to be taker
  24. The post--80s and 90s are ________, so it’s hardly surprising that boys have a close  relationship with their parents.
  A. said to grow up in a greenhouse   
  B. said to have grown up in a greenhouse
  C. saying to grow up in a greenhouse   
  D. saying to have grown up in a greenhouse
  25. ------What do you think of his advice?
  ------ _______ and we’d better take it.
  A. It couldn’t be better.        B. It couldn't be worse.
  C. It couldn’t be worst.              D. I’m afraid so.
  第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

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