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  • 资源大小: 207 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/18 19:28:27
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  时间:120分钟, 满分:150分
  命题人:魏秋娜 杜亚敏    审定人: 曹华春
  1.--- I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.
  --- That’s ___ I disagree. You should have a more active life.
  A where           B how           C when           D what
  2.It was a matter of ___ would take the position.
  A whoever            B whom          C whomever      D who
  3.The traffic is heavy this day. I __ arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?
  A can          B must          C need         D might
  4.The meeting started at ten o’cloct the chairman has not __ yet.
  A turned up     B turned down     C turned out     D turned off
  5.My younger cousin is now on __ diet. She is trying to lose __ weight.
  A /, /         B a, /         C the, a       D the, the
  6.--- Are you satisfied with what she has done?
  --- Not a little. It couldn’t be ____.
  A any worse     B any better      C so well    D so bad
  7.Don’t try to cheat the taxman; you’ll never __ it.
  A get out of       B get into        C get along      D get away with
  8.In order to work bettering the future, each of us must first of all r __ and weaknesses.
  A strengths         B benefits        C techniques       D values
  9.People have always been __ about exactly how life on earth began.
  A curious          B excited         C anxious        D careful
  10.I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize __ silly mistakes I had made.
  A what            B that           C how           D which
  11.If you find information you are not sure about, consult other web pages to __ the information.
  A request          B confirm        C advise         D discuss
  12.She lives a hard life but still __ to be cheerful and kind to others.
  A succeeds         B pretends          C manages        D plans
  13.It is reported that the United States uses ____ energy as the whole of Europe.
  A as twice          B twice much        C twice much as      D twice as much
  14.The waste produced by these chemical factories is harmful ____ both nature and human life.
  A against            B with            C as            D to
  15.--- Would you mind if I turned on the radio and listened to some music?
  --- ________. In fact, I also like to listen to music in my car.
  A Yes, I do       B No, go ahead      C Ok, no problem    D No, you can’t
  16.There are many reasons why you may want to ______ or stop drinking wine.
  A cut away        B cut off         C cut up        D cut down
  17.--- You look tired!
  --- Yeah, I _____ tennis since 7 o’clock.
  A had played       B played       C am playing     D have been playing
  18.--- ______ he have been chosen as captain of the football team?
  --- Yes, he _____.
  A Can, must have    B Must, must have     C Can, must    D Must, must
  19.A modern city has been set up in _____ was a wasteland ten years ago.

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