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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/5 3:30:42
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  高 二 英 语 试 卷
  第Ⅰ卷  选择题(85分)
  1. What kind of place are the speakers probably talking about?
  A. A theatre.                 B. A stadium.           C. An apartment.
  2. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. They are neighbors.        B. They are friends.       C. They are strangers.
  3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient.         B. Boss and secretary.     C. Teacher and student.
  4. Why does the man look worried?
  A. He has lost his car.                      B. He can’t meet Jim on time.
  C. He will be late for an appointment.
  5. What news did the woman get from the man?
  A. Mary will leave Shanghai very soon.        B. Susan will leave for Beijing very soon.
  C. Susan will leave for Shanghai very soon.
  6. What about a drink does the man order?
  A. Unsweetened tea and no ice.               B. Sweetened tea and no ice.
  C. Sweetened juice and no ice.
  7. How much must the man pay?
  A. $6.97.             B. $6.79.             C. $16.79.
  8. What does the man want to rent?
  A. A bus.              B. A car.            C. A bike.
  9. How long does the reservation last?
  A. One week.          B. Two weeks.       C. Four days.
  10. What does the woman say that Chad is a lucy?
  A. Because he has a lovely family.                 B. Because he has money.
  C. Because he got everything a person could ask for.
  11. What does the man think of his life?
  A. Very happy.          B. Very busy.           C. Very common.
  12. Which statement on the woman is TRUE?
  A. She is the man’s wife.               B. She wants to live a life as the man does.
  C. She likes reading books.
  13. Why can’t Blue Flash cabs collect someone from WAX airport possibly?
  A. Because they have no cars available for an hour.
  B. Because they have no drivers available for an hour.
  C. Not clear.

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