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  • 资源大小: 145 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/2/18 15:32:07
  • 资源来源: 会员改编
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  姓名              班级          座号      
  I卷(共5大题, 总计100分)
  I. 单项选择(30题,每小题1分,共30分)
  1). Playing tricks ____ others is something we should never do.
  A. with        B. on        C. to        D. at
  2). The boy ____ breaking the glass yesterday.
  A.put up with  B. got away with  C. got along with  D. got in
  3). Don’t be angry with him. He came late ____.
  A. on purpose    B. on chance     C. by mistake     D. by accident
  4). The report about the____ surprised all the ____.
  A. present situation, people present       B. present situation, present people
  C. situation present, people who present   D. situation present, presented people
  5). The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the____.
  A.20 dollars remained            B. 20 dollars to remain
  C. left 20 dollars                D. remaining 20 dollars
  6). The thought ____ they could cross the whole continent was exciting.
  A. which        B. that          C. what           D. whether
  7). Washington, a state in the United States, was named ____one of the greatest American presidents.
  A. in honor of      B. instead of   C. in favor of     D. by means of
  8). You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it____ often enough.
  A. explaining        B. to explain   C. explain        D. explained
  9). Large amounts of waste water____ into the rivers from factories.
  A. are flowing       B. is flowing   C. are flown       D. is flown
  10). ____we go out or not ____the weather.
  A. Whether, depend on             B.  If, depend on   
  C. Whether, depends on             D. If , depends on
  11). It was a period of____ and prosperity and most of the people lived a____ life.
  A. wealthy, wealthy               B. wealth, wealth  
  C. wealthy, wealth                D. wealth, wealthy
  12). ____was a well-known fact.
  A. That their team was weak         B. That their team being weak
  C. Their team was weak             D. If their team was weak
  13). We____ at driving the car.
  A. tarn    B. tarns      C. tarn       D. toorn
  14).____ I’ve known your situation, I’ll send the money to you immediately.
  A. Now that     B. In case        C. On condition that  D. So long as
  15). --Do you mind my taking this seat ?        -- ______.
  A. Yes, sit down please         B. No, of course not 
  C. Yes, take it please           D. No, you can’t take it
  16). She got ____ at the ____ news her husband brought home.
  A. amazed, amazed  B. amazed, amazing  C. amazing, amazing  D. amazing, amazed
  17).We offer him our congratulation ____ his passing the college extrance exams.
  A. at          B. on        C.  for        D. of
  18). The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand ____ they insist on going by motorcycle.
  A. why        B. whether    C. when       D. how

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