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  • 资源大小: 109 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/12/25 10:46:22
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  英  语
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)略
  21.—Don’t you think the possibilities are endless?
  — ______ .Nothing is impossible.. 
  A .Yes, I do   B. No, I don’t   C. Of course not   D. Yes, I don’t
  22. Time is life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, ______ master your time and master your life.
  A.and B.for C.so  D.or   
  23. TV-Turnoff Week, _______ millions of people around the world participate every year, tries to encourage people to turn on life.
  A.in which B.on which C.which  D.when
  24. Losing weight is no easy task. A lot of people who lost weight gain it back over time and end up back _______ they started.
  A.where     B.though       C.since        D.after  
  25. With the development of the Internet, _____ munication will be done by regular mail.
  A.more        B.less          uch        D.little
  26. —Why didn’t you buy the gold ring?
  —I ______ but I didn’t have the money.
  A. would have    B. bought    C. would like to    D. had bought
  27. It was ________ was a waste land ten years ago _______ a modern city has been set up on.
  A. which; where    B. where; that   C. what; that     D. that; which
  28. The young man, ______ several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.
  A.to make   B.making       ade       D.having made
  29. — How about buying Sam a mobile phone? After all, he isn’t a boy any more.
  —I think it necessary, for we sometimes want to mare if he _______ home for dinner.
  A. will e   B. es    C. has e     D. would e
  30. With exports ______ a big role in its eic growth, China has been affected by the current financial storm.

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