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  • 更新时间: 2011/2/12 7:58:01
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  总分:150  考试时间:120分钟
  I. 单项填空(每题1分 共 25分)
  1.He _____ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.
  A. made out      B. picp       C. gave up        D. took in
  2. What you have done will not ____ your reputation .
  A. effect      B. afford      C. have an effort on  D. affect
  3. He __________ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying
  himself by the seaside.
  A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t
  4.The police thought he was_______ the murder case in the shop.
  A.connected by   B. related to   C. joined in   D. linked and   
  5.—How was your camping in the mountains last week, Joan?
  —Oh, it was just a ______ because we were wop by a terrible storm at midnight. 
  A. mess   B. nightmare    C. fun     D. pleasure     
  6.It looks ___.
  A. like rain    B. like raining    C. as if it will rain     D. that it is going to rain
  7.Yesterday I saw a man ___ in the street, with a little boy ___ on his shoulder.
  A. walking; seating   B. walk; seat    C. walking; seated     D. to walk; sitting
  8. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next year.
  A. carry out     B. carrying out    C. carried out     D. to carry out
  9. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help______ into buying something they
  don’t really need.
  A. to persuade     B. persuading      C. being persuaded   D. be persuaded
  10. When she heard the __________ news, her eyes were full of __________ tears.
  A. exciting; excited  B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting  D. excited; excited
  11. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found_______ in the kitchen.
  A. smoke         B. smoking      C. to smoke    D. smoked
  12. Can you think of a situation in which the two ______ from each other.
  A. differs   B. differ   C. different   D. difference    
  13.Usually hurricanes can _______ to terrible disease in the flooded area. 
  A. cause   B. lead    C. rise    D. result
  14.The country life he was used to ______ greatly since 1992.
  A. change      B. has changed C. changing D. have changed
  15.Listen to the two girls by the window. What language ___________? 
  A.did they speak   B.were they speaking 
  C.are they speaking  D.have they been speaking
  16.----which do  you enjoy______ your spare time, basketball or football?
  ---- Football..
  A. to spend     B. spend    C. spending    D. spent
  17.American Indian ______ about five percent of the U.S population.
  A. fill up    B. bring up    C. map    D. set up
  18.As we know, many of ZhangYimou’s movies are       the countryside, where there is beautiful scenery.
  A. made of          B. located in          C.begun with         D.set in
  19.The table still _______ where I ______ it a few days before.
  A. lay;lay    B. laid; had laid    C.lay; had laid    D.was lying; had laid
  20.------He still smokes a lot, do you know?
  ---Yes, but I don’t know how I can ________ him to give it up.
  A. persuade     B. advise    C. try to persuade   D. suggest
  21.House price _______ greatly these years and it continues to rise.
  A. increases    B. increased  B. has increased   D. had increased
  22.----Your telephone number again? I _____ quite catch it.
  ---- It’s 13994848114.
  A. didn’t     B. couldn’t    C. don’t    D. can’t
  23.Mr Green has two daughters, both of ______ being doctors.
  A. that   B. whom   C. them   D. which
  24.Little Jim should love _______to the theater this evening.
  A. to be taken    B. to take    C. being taken    D. taking
  25.Peter received a letter just now _____ his grandma would

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