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81题,约4860字。  江苏省江都中学09-10学年高二下学期期末考试
  英 语             
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
  1. What are these two people talking about?
  A. A lightweight shirt.   
  B. Things to wear.   
  C. The warm weather.
  2. What is the woman’s job?
  A. Cook.     B. Waitress.    C. Saleswoman.
  3. How is the man getting to work?
  A. Riding.     B. Taking a bus.   C. Driving.
  4. What does the man mean?
  A. The woman’s uncle will e for a visit.
  B. He thinks the woman should visit her uncle. 
  C. He asks the woman to go over to his place.
  5. What will the weather in Arizona be like in the ing week?
  A. Rainy.     B. Warm.     C. A bit cold.
  6. What lipstick did the woman expect to buy?
  A. Lyfel, dark shade.    B. Lyfel, pink shade.  C. Lyfel, bright shade.
  7. Why does the woman want to change the color of her lipstick?
  A. To be cool.    B. To be serious.   C. To be attractive.
  8. How about the lipstick the woman took in the end?
  A. Its color is suitable but is very expensive.
  B. Its color is right though it is not Lyfel brand.
  C. Its color isn’t right but its brand is Lyfel.
  9. Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?
  A. She often talks to English people. 
  B. She speaks two languages already.
  C. She always does her homework right after class.
  10. Which way does the woman think is good for English?
  A. Reading newspapers.  
  B. Writing diaries.   
  C. Reading aloud in the morning.
  11. Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?
  A. He doesn’t talk to his English teachers.
  B. There are no native speakers around him.
  C. He is too shy to speak English.
  12. How does the man get information about the apartment?
  A. From advertisements on TV. 
  B. From advertisements in the newspapers. 
  C. From advertisements on the radio.
  13. How many rooms has the apartment got?
  A. Four     B. Five     C. Six
  14. How much rent will the man pay for per month including management and parking as well?
  A. $500.     B. $450.     C. $550.
  15. What is the woman afraid of when she takes her trips?
  A. Taking a voyage.   B. Taking a train.   C. Taking a flight.
  16. What transportation does the man prefer?
  A. Trains.     B. Planes.    C. Ships.
  17. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Husband and wife.   B. Teacher and student.  C. Friends.
  18. What was Miss Richards?
  A. A istry teacher.  B. A physics teacher.  C. A science teacher.
  19. How did Miss Richards feel before Dick answered her question?
  A. Disappointed and unhappy. B. Angry and annoyed.  C. Excited.
  20. Which do you think is right?
  A. Dick was the top student in class.  
  B. The students were active in class.
  iss Richards was rather patient.
  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
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