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  • 更新时间: 2010/5/26 22:32:52
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21.          so many difficulties,he has no time to relax.
  A.Faced with     B.To face     C.Facing with     D.Face
  22.Only when your identify has been checked,            .
  A.you are allowed in      B.you will be allowed in
  C.will you allow in       D.will you be allowed in
  23.Can you think of a situation           the word can be used?
  A.this       B.that       C.which        D.where
  24.The news reporters hurried to the airport,only         the film stars had left.
  A. to tell     B. to be told      C. telling      D. told
  25.---Where did you get to know her? ---It was on the farm          we worked.
  A.that        B.there         C.which          D.where
  26.The Grate Wall winds its way from west to east,        deserts         mountains,
  and         valleys,till at last it reaches the sea.
  A.over;across;across   B.through;past;past  C.across;over;through  D.past;through;over
  27.More than one student          been sent to Japan since 1990.More than one hundred students          been sent to the USA.
  A.have,have      B.has,has      C.have,has       D.has,have
  28.Every means          tried but there is no much reaction.
  A.has been        B.have been        C.is        D.are
  29.The price of the house has been agreed          after a heated discussion.
  A.to          B.on           C.for            D.with
  30.He was about to tell me the secret           someone patted him on the shoulder.
  A.as         B.until          C.while           D.when
  31.---Have you found anything wrong with your puter?
  ---Yes,and I was about to give it up when an idea         to me that it may be stuck by some kind of virus.
  A.occurred        B.happened        C.took place       D.turned
  32.---When did you        English? ---When I was in college.

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