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  英 语 试 题
  命题人:翁玲  王珊       时间:2010.04.30
  (满分150分   考试时间:120分钟)
  1.第一卷选择题(1—75)答案填涂在答题卡上。第二卷的答案直接填写在答卷纸上。答题卡卡号为:082班 号   班 座  考 座
  第一卷 (共115分)
  I.听力 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  1. What does the woman want to do?
  A. Park her car.     B. Ask the direction.     C. Go to the park.
  2. How much should the woman pay for repairing the washing machine?
  A. 80 pounds.       B.50 pounds.           C. 110 pounds.
  3. What happened to the woman yesterday?
  A. Her car was out of work.            B. She ran into a small child.
  C. Her car almost hit a child.
  4. What does the woman mean?
  A. She will help him.   B. She has no money.   C. She is badly hurt.
  5. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. ates.        B. Teacher and student.    C. Husband and wife.
  6. What does Michael Brown do?
  A. He is a teacher.    B. He is a businessman.    C. He is an official.
  7. What’s Monica’s nationality?
  A. American.        B. Mexican.              C. Spanish.
  8. What are the speakers doing?
  A. They are skating.    B. They are skiing.    C. They are dancing.
  9. What will the woman do next?
  A. She will ask the man over there for some information.
  B. She will go to the hospital to have herself examined.
  C. She will ask the man speaker to give her some advice.
  10. Who did Rocky go to the concert with?
  A. His children.     B. His parents.     C. His friends.
  11. What’s the purpose of the concert?
  A. To colleoney for poor children.
  B. To sing some good songs for children.
  C. To show the singers’ love for children.
  12. What do both the speakers hope?
  A. More people will go to the concert.
  B. All people will care for poor children.
  C. People will help one another.
  13. How many tins of baked beans has Mrs. Davies bought?
  A. 2 tins.      B. 48 tins.      C. 96 tins.
  14. What do we know about Mrs. Davies?
  A. She is young.    B. She lives alone.    C. She is rich.
  15. Why does Mrs. Davies want to buy the food?
  A. She likes the food.   B. She wants to save it.   C. She will gives others some.
  16. What does Mrs. Davies worry about?
  A. The food price will rise.  
  B. The man cannot deliver the food to her.
  C. There will be a flood.

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