《Traffic jam》教案

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  课题 Module 2 Traffi Introduction & reading 课型 New
  教学目标 1. Enable the students to understand definitions for new words and identify the parts of speech.
  2. Enable the students to demonstrate vocabulary related to the theme of transport by correctly using them in given contexts.
  重点 Enable the students to understand definitions for new words and identify the parts of speech.
  难点 Enable the students to demonstrate vocabulary related to the theme of transport by correctly using them in given contexts.
  学情分析 The Ss can finish the task.
  教具课件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter
  教法 Explanation---guidance---do the exx again
  教学程序 教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等) 师生
  Step 1
  Step 2
  Step 3 Revision
  1 Proof reading
  1) After living in Paris for 5 years he returned to his small hometown in 1992 when he grew up as a child. (when---where)
  2) The babies after whom the nurses are looking are very healthy. (after还原到looking后)
  3) He is a warm –hearted man with who you will find it nice to work. (who---whom)
  4) Mary loop and saw a book she bought it many years ago. (去掉it)
  5) Many soldiers have been sent to that area to help the citizens out, and all of whom are suffering from the flood. (去掉and)
  6) He is one of the students who has been to Beijing. (has---have)
  7) On the bus I saw a student whom I thought was your brother. (whom---who)
  8) Have you read about Charlie Chaplin for whose life was once hard. (whose---whom)
  9) Is this factory that we visited last year? 在factory和that之间加上the one)
  10) I will never forget the days when we spent in the mountains together. (when---which)
  2. mare 弄清楚,查明,设法确保
  ★mare of (about)/ to do/ that从句
  Mare of the time and place.弄清楚,
  She made sure that she had turned off the gas.确定
  He made sure to warn the driver that the roads were flooded.没有忘记警告司机
  ★be sure of/ be sure to do/ mare/ for sure 肯定地,有把握地
  Can you be sure of his honesty?
  Please mare that the house is locked.
  Be sure to write and give me all the news.
  They will be here for sure within half an hour.
  I think there is a train at 6,but you’d better mare.
  3. Multiple choices
  (A) 1) My interest in making model planes ___ my childhood.
  A. dates from B. date back to C. date from D. dated back to
  (D) 2) From what period to the towns ___?
  A. rescue B. make C. build D. date
  (A) 3) Students sometimes support themselves ___ means of part-time jobs.
  A. by B. in C. through D. with
  (D) 4) ---You should have prepared your speech for the meeting, Mrs Smith.
  ---Yes, I t how could I ____ the meeting date fixed so soon.
  A. while B. as C. after D. with
  ◇by, with & in
  They are digging with a pick/spade.
  We see with our eyes, hear with ears, and walk with our legs.
  ★by, in等多用于无行的工具或方式手段。如:
  by hand
  in ink/ in English
  in this way/that/the same…way
  by this/ that…means
  by means of
  with this/ that…method
  5) As we have mue left, let’s discuss the matter ____ tea and cake.
  A. over B. with C. by D. at
  6) ---I like coffee ____ nothing in it. What about you?
  ---I prefer coffee ____ sugar.
  A. with; by B. to; with C. with; with D. by; to
  7) ____ more and more forests damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.
  A. As B. By C. For D. With
  8) ---I like coffee ____ nothing in it. What about you?
  ---I prefer coffee ____ sugar.
  A. with; by B. to; with C. with; with D. by; to
  9) ____ the help of experienced career instructors, this type of job-hunting training____ to be very efficient.
  A. By; has proved B. With; has proved C. Under; is proving D. With; is proved
  10) ____ our food ____, we had to walk to a village for help.
  A. Since; runs out B. Because; run out C. With; running out D. For; running out
  4. one that与it
  在英语中为了避免重复上文的某个名词,常用one that it来代替。
  1) one=a(an) +单数可数名词,表示泛指,代替前面提到的同类人或物,但不是同一个;它只能替代可数名词,复数形式是ones.
  2) that=the +不可数名词/单数可数名词,表示特指,指代前面提到过的那类物,既可以替代可数名词(复数形式为those),也可以替代不可数名词。其作用有时相当于the one。that不可以替代表示人的名词。
  3) it =the(this/ that/ my/ your…)+单数名词,表示特指,指代前面提到过的那个事物(是同一个),用于指代可数名词单数或不可数名词。
  ★Fill in the blanks
  I bought a knife and lent it to him.
  Mary needs a new dictionary, show me a cheaper one.
  The voice of a woman is sweeter than that of a man.
  I don’t want these green apples; I want the red one.
  The cost of oil is less than that of gas.
  Introduction and Reading
  1. Look at the following means of transport. Can you give their names?
  Bike boat bus
  coach helicopter motorbike
  car trolleybus truck
  underground double-decker ship
  train plane tricycle
  2. Now mate of the words with their definitions.
  1) It’s a bus used for long distance. (coach)
  2) It’s got two wheels and it’s fast. (motorbike)
  3) This bus is connected to the electric wires. (trolleybus)
  4) You must pay to use this car. (bus)
  5) It’s slow, cheap and has two wheels. (bike)
  6) This is a suburban railway. It’s usually under the city. (underground)
  ★connect vt., vi.
  1)(常与to, with连用)连接;结合;连结
  “If the tunnel is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history."
  Will you connect this wire to the television.
  This flight connects with New York one.
  Connee with Beijing University.
  That solitary old man was suspected to be connected with the e.
  They also try to make connections that may seem unreasonable at first.
  connection n. 联系/结,关系,
  connection between sth. and sth.
  connection with/to sth. 与…有关联
  There’re some connections between smoking and lung cancer.
  make/establish a connection with与~建立联系
  have connections with 与……有联系
  have no connection with与……无联系
  He has connections with those people.
  break a connection 断绝联系
  a close connection 密切关系
  a loose connection 疏远关系
  in connection with 关于,与…想关联
  the problems in connection with agriculture= the problems about agriculture
  The star said nothing in connection with her own affairs.
  You are in connection. 给你接通了(电话)。
  connective adj 结合的;连接的
  3. Use ticks to plete the chart.
  I travel by… every day sometimes often never
  motorbike √
  4. Share your answers with your partner.
  1) Have you ever been stuck in a traffi?
  2) Where were you going ?
  3) How long were you in the jam?
  4) What did you do then?
  5) If you haven’t met a traffi, can you imagine what will happen in it?
  ★get/ be stuck in 是卡住;陷在某处;被困于
  The bus was stuck in traffi for an hour. 他们的车陷在泥里了。
  Their car was stuck in the mud.
  be caught in
  We were caught in the storm and got drenched.
  ★imagine: Vt. 想象,设想;认为
  -Can you imagine life without water? 你能想象没有水的生活吗?
  ☻imagine sth 想象……
  -He imagined walking on the moon. 他想象自己走在月球上。
  ☻imagine doing sth 想象做……
  -Tom always imagines eating chicken when he feels hungry.
  -Imagine that you have 10,000 $, what will you buy?
  -Can you imagine how much I was surprised to see it?
  ☻imagine (that)……想象……
  Homework Pre-
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