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  哈三中2018—2019 学年度上学期高二学年第二模块考试英语试卷
  第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  What do we know about the man?
  A. He doesn’t like skiing now.
  B. He is as excited as the woman before skiing now.
  C. He got excited before going skiing in the past.
  What does the woman advise the man to do?
  A. Do more outdoor activities.
  B. Thint his homework.
  C. Start working and watching TV.
  When will the man call back?
  A. At 10:00.    B. At 10:15.    C. At 9:45.
  Where does the man want to sit?
  A. Near the window.    B. Far from the window.    C. In the smoking section.
  What does the man order?
  A. Banana juice.    B. Orange juice.    C. Ice tea.
  第二节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  6. What does the woman want to do?
  A. See a musical.    B. See a movie.    C. Go home.
  7. How much extra money does the woman pay the taxi driver?
  A. Two dollars and seventy-five cents.
  B. Two dollars and twenty-five cents.
  C. Seven dollars and twenty-five cents.
  【答案】6. A    7. A
  8. What does the woman think of the video?
  A. Satisfying.    B. Disappointing.    C. Confusing.
  9. Who is Lenny?
  A. A film actor.    B. A video editor.    C. A friend of the man.
  【答案】8. B    9. C
  10. What is the man going to throw into the trash?
  A. The hard bread.    B. The soft tomato.    C. Vegetables.
  11. Why does the woman want the soft tomato and the hard bread?
  A. To fill in her trash.    B. To waste less food.    C. To coopper for the man.
  12. What does the woman think of the meat?
  A. It goes bad.    B. It turns hard.    C. It doesn’t look fresh.
  【答案】10. B    11. B    12. C
  13. What information does the man ast?
  A. The parking fees.
  B. The way to the town centre.
  C. The shops in the town centre.
  14. How much is it to the town centre by taxi?
  A. About 2 pounds.    B. About 12 pounds.    C. About 16 pounds.
  15. How long is the bus ride to the town centre?
  A. About 5 minutes.    B. About 10 minutes    C. About 15 minutes.
  16. What is the woman?
  A. The man’s wife.    B. A travel agent.    C. A policewoman.
  【答案】13. B    14. C    15. C    16. B
  17. What does the man think of listening when students learn a language?
  A. Easy.    B. Hard.    C. Interesting.
  18. What can exhaust us most about listening?
  A. Understanding our native language.
  B. Understanding a foreign language.
  C. Understanding a foreign language with accents.
  19. What should we do if we don’t catch every word most of the time?
  A. We should try not to worry.
  B. We should try to understand everything.
  C. We should ask the speakers to repeat everything.
  20. How do most people feel when they are asked to repeat themselves?
  A. Afraid.    B. Pleased.    C. Annoyed.
  【答案】17. A    18. C    19. A    20. B
  第二部分  阅读理解
  第一节: 共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分
  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience that was too convenient for my own good: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I checked my email. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed (推特简讯). Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four newspapers each morning. I was behaving as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasn’t.
  So this year I made up my mind to try something different: withdrawal (退出) from the Internet. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, since I’m bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by giving the iPad to my wife.
  The cellphone signal at our house was worse than in the past, making my attempts at cheating a frustrating experience. I was trapped, forced to go through with my plan. Largely cut off from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for radio and how much radio can one listen to, really? I had to do what I had planned to all along: read books.
  This experience has had a happy ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle against the Internet, realizing finally that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem. I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “I don’t need it,” I said.

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