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广东省梅州市普通高中2018届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习模拟试题: 01 Word版含答案.doc
广东省梅州市普通高中2018届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习模拟试题: 02 Word版含答案.doc
广东省梅州市普通高中2018届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习模拟试题: 03 Word版含答案.doc
广东省梅州市普通高中2018届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习模拟试题: 04 Word版含答案.doc
广东省梅州市普通高中2018届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习模拟试题: 05 Word版含答案.doc
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  1.“Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him.“I as not to get ________ in this kind of matter.It's none of your business.”
  A.caught  B.involved  C.attached  D.connected
  答案 B [get caught in被卡住;get involved in卷入……;get attached to喜欢;依恋;be connected with与……有关。根据题意,故选B。]
  2.There are citizens who support graffiti (在墙上涂鸦), saying it's a welcome addition to ________ dull streets.
  A.otherwise  B.rather
  C.therefore  D.approximately
  答案 A [句意为“支持在墙上涂鸦的市民们认为这是受欢迎的点缀,如果不这样的话,街道会变得单调”。otherwise不然,否则,符合题意。]
  3.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ______.
  A.attention  B.purpose 
  C.attempt  D.desire
  答案 C [attention注意;关心,关注;purpose目的,意图;attempt努力,尝试;desire愿望;欲望。根据句意,故选C。]
  4.We don't like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she ________ in the group.
  A.makes  B.plays  C.acts   D.takes
  答案 B [play a role in...在……中扮演角色/起作用,为固定搭配。]
  5.The ________ looks on her face suggested that Mary ________ the birthday gift from her mother.
  A.exciting, like  B.excited, like
  C.exciting, liked  D.excited, liked
  答案 D [excited looks兴奋的表情。suggest当“表明,说明;暗示”讲时谓语动词要根据句子的要求选择正确的时态。本题用过去时态。本题用过去时态,答案为D项。]
  6.—It's a long time since I saw my sister.
  — ________ her this weekend?
  A.Why not visit  B.Why not to visit
  C.Why not visiting  D.Why don't visit
  答案 A [why not后要接动词原形,排除B、C两项;D项应为Why don’t you visit,故选A。]
  7.I'd like to study law at university ________ my cousin prefers geography.
  A.though  C.while  D.for
  答案 C [从句意分析,“我在大学时要学习法律,而我堂兄更喜欢学习地理。”此处表示转折关系,所以选while。]
  8.—May I smoke here?
  —If you ________, choose a seat in the smoking section.
  A.should B.could  C.must  D.may
  答案 C [句意为“我可以在这儿吸烟吗?”“如果你必须要吸的话,到吸烟区找个座位”。must必须,符合题意。should应该;could能够;may可以,均不符合题意。]
  9.________ with what the students had done, the teacher praised them highly.
  A.Delight  B.Delighting
  C.Delighted  D.Being delighting
  答案 C [Delighted...在此作状语。be delighted with意为“对……满意,高兴”。]
  10.—Where did you get to know her?
  —It was on the farm ________ we worked.
  A.that  B.there  C.which  D.where
  答案 D [本题是省略了that 从句的强调句型。在被强调部分中名词farm后有一个定语从句(where we worked)。答句补充完整为:It was on the farm (where we worked) that I got to know her.故选D。]
  11.French author Le Clezib, a brilliant novelist ________ as a child of all continents, won the Nobel Prize in literature in October, 2008.
  A.honoured  B.honouring
  C.being honoured  D.having honoured
  答案 A [因为honour和a brilliant novelist是动宾关系,故用honour的过去分词形式作定语,表示被动。]
  12.The teacher explained the ________ of the themes expressed in the poem with passion.
  A.reference  B.significance
  C.means  D.magnificence
  1.— ________ he said so at the meeting made everyone present angry.
  —Yes.We all ________ him of his rudeness.
  A.That, accused  B.What, accused
  C.That, charged  D.As, charged
  答案 A [注意so作said的宾语,所以第一空用that引导主语从句;第二空考查accuse...of...结构的用法,故选A。]
  2.Would you please read the letter and ________ your classmates?
  A.pass it on to  B.pass on it to
  C.pass it on  D.pass on it
  答案 A [表达“把……传给某人”在英语中可以用pass sb sth/pass sth to sb/pass sth on to sb。当宾语是代词时,必须把代词放在动词和副词之间。四个选项中只有A项结构正确。]
  3.A proposal has ________ that a new law should be made to fight drugs abuse.
  A.put back  B.been put off
  C.put up  D.been put forward
  答案 D [由于主语a proposal和动词词组之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态,排除A、C两项;put forward意思是“提出”,符合题意,而put off意思是“推迟”,不符合本题句意。]
  4.All the representatives at the 17th CPC National Congress were strongly ________ by Hu Jintao's speech on sustainable growth.
  A.impressed  B.surprised
  C.excited  D.comforted
  答案 A [句意为“胡锦涛关于可持续发展的报告给出席十七大的代表们留下了深刻的印象”。]
  5.________ in old Shanghai in the 1920s, the film gives a vivid description of the people living at the bottom of society.
  A.Being set  B.Setting
  C.Set  D.To set
  答案 C [动词set和主语the film之间是动宾关系,故选C。]
  6.—Excuse me, do you have the time?
  — ________.
  A.Yes, I have  B.Of course, I have
  C.A quarter to ten  D.No problem
  答案 C [本题关键信息是have the time(几点了),而不是have time(有时间),要回答具体时间,因此选C项。]
  7.If the firms failed to magh money, they would ________.
  A.close down of
  C.turn down  D.set off
  答案 A [close down意为“关闭,使停业,使倒闭”;call off意为“取消”;turn down意为“拒绝;调小”;set off意为“出发;爆炸”。根据题意,故选A。]
  8.Some people choose jobs for other reasons ________ money these days.
  A.for  B.except
  C.besides  D.with
  答案 C [注意本题空格前有other reasons,表明本题一轮复习英语(牛津译林版)模拟试题03
  1.I apologized ______ Johnson for ______ to inform him of the change in the plan.
  A.for,my not to able,my not being able,me to not be able
  D.for,me being not able
  答案 B [第一空考查apologize和介词to搭配,apologize to sb for sth为某事向某人道歉;第二空考查非谓语动词的否定结构。]
  2.Whether it can ______ the test of time remains to be seen.
  A.last  B.continue  C.accept  D.stand
  答案 D [last和continue意思为持续;C项accept意为“接受”,不符合逻辑;stand意为“经受”。]
  3.The line was engaged and I couldn't ______.
  A.get to  B.get on
  C.get down  D.get through
  答案 D [get through此处意为“(电话)接通”,符合题意。get on进展;get down下来;get to到达。]
  4.The former president of Pakistan was killed in December in a parade.Who is ______ the murder? blame for blame to be blame for be blamed to
  答案 A [sb  be to blame for (doing) sth因(做)某事而责备某人,故选A。]
  5.—How are you managing to do your wort an assistant?
  —Well,I ______ somehow.
  A.get along  B.come on out D.set off
  答案 A [get along融洽相处,进展,有起色;come on赶快,快点;watch out小心,提防;set off动身,引爆。根据题意选A。]
  6.Now that Bob has publicly ______ he was wrong,he is sharing the childraising and household tasks with Pat.
  A.admitted  B.suggested
  C.agreed D.explained
  答案 A [从句意可知,Bob承认了错误,并与Pat分担家务。]
  7.Limited natural resources should be made full use of ______ the ______ need of energy.
  A.meeting;increasing meet;increased
  C.meeting;increased meet;increasing
  答案 D [句意为“有限的自然资源应当被充分利用以满足日益增长的能源需求”。to meet...是不定式短语作目的状语,increasing是现在分词作定语,表示日益增长的需求。]
  8.The news reporters hurried to the airport,only ______ the film stars had left. tell be told
  C.telling  D.told
  答案 B [only加不定式表示结果,而这种结果常与愿望相差很远

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