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2017届英语外研版一轮复习考点规范练40份打包 Word版含解析
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  考点规范练1(必修1 Module 1)
  Jackson Language School
  Summer Opening and Closing Time
  The Jackson Language School is open each day except Sunday.There is an English Corner also available from 6 pm-9 pm at the Bellevue Hall across from the school.
  Class Size
  Classes have a minimum of 10 students and a maximum of 16 students in one class.Classes are equipped with earphones and an electronically controlled listening.
  Teachers are all experienced and have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and at least a certificate in teaching English as a second language.They are all available for tutoring if you need it.
  The school is located 15 minutes from central London at 34 Inverleith Row,next to the Marks and Spencer shopping centre.It is near a bus stop and only a 5-minute walk from the tube.
  Students on student visas are expected to attend regularly.Students who are absent more than 60% of the time will be reported to the Student Office.Moreover,if students attend less than 80%,they will not be able to get a certificate from Jackson Language School.It is also required by the Student Office for a visa extension.
  Home Stay
  You are able to stay with a British family if you request so.Jackson has a home stay program that matches students with families according to their own requirements and needs.While generally no problems occur,students may move from a home stay household if he or she gives a 2-week written notice to the home stay family school.
  Language Policy
  As the course is an immersion(沉浸式) program,students are expected to speak English the entire time they are at the school.If they speak any language other than English at the school,they may be asked to leave the school for a day.
  1.If you attend more than 80% of your classes,   . 
  A.you will be likely to get a certificate
  B.you will not obtain a visa extension
  C.you may be reported to the Student Office
  D.you may not be able to get a certificate
  解析:推理判断题。根据Attendance部分中的“Moreover,if students attend less than 80%,they will not be able to get a certificate from Jackson Language School”可知,如果学生上课的时间少于总量的80%,就无法获得结业证书。由此可推断,如果学生上课的时间超过总量的80%,就可能会获得结业证书,故A项正确。
  2.The students are expected to speak English    . 
  A.part of the time while at the school
  B.the entire time they are at the school
  C.no matter when they want to
  D.when they are in a home stay family
  解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“students are expected to speak English the entire time they are at the school”可知,这个学校希望学生在学校的全部时间都说英语,故B项正确。
  3.At Jackson Language School,   . 
  A.you can’t move out of a home stay family
  B.you can’t take part in an English Corner
  C.you can turn to a teacher when you need to be tutored
  D.you can study in a class less than 10 students
  解析:细节理解题。根据Teachers部分中的“They are all available for tutoring if you need it.”可知,在这个学校,如果需要辅导的话,学生可以向这个学校的老师求助,故C项正确。
  She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds.However,Miss Bessie was a(n)  1  presence in the classroom.From 1938 to 1942,when I attended Saint Bernard’s High School,she taught me a lot  2  I realized. 
  There was never a(n)  3 problem in Miss Bessie’s classes.We didn’t dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hastings and could also play the piano and  4 Shakespeare and Milton. 
  Miss Bessie knew that my family couldn’t afford to buy a newspaper.She knew we didn’t  5  own a radio.Still,she  6  me to loot for my  7  and find some ways to  8  what’s going on in the world. 9 I became a delivery boy who delivered newspapers.I  10  made a dollar a weet I got to read a newspaper every day. 
  Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwort were vital to a youngster’s  11 .Once a few classmates made fun of my  12  overcoat.As I was leaving school,Miss Bessie  13  me on the back of that old overcoat and said,“Carl,never worry about what you don’t have.Just make the most of what you do have—a(n)  14 .” 
  Among the things that I didn’t have was  15  in the little wooden house.But because of her  16 ,I spent many hours beside a kerosene lamp(煤油灯) reading Shakespeare’s works.Miss Bessie introduced me  17  a wonderful world of poems and stories.She led me to  18  that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare. 
  So I read  19  Miss Bessie told me to,and tried to remember the things she insisted that I store.Years later,her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note  20 “I’m so proud to read your article in The Times.” 
  1.A.amusing           B.towering
  C.interesting D.exciting
  解析:然而,Bessie在教室里很高大。amusing“好笑的”;towering“高大的”;interesting“有趣的”;exciting“令人激动的,激动人心的”。根据空格前的“However”的转折可知,此处与前文中的“only about five feet tall”形成对比,故选B项。
  2.A.more than B.less than
  C.better than D.worse than
  答案:A考点规范练2(必修1 Module 2)
  Sure,it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes that time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.And yes,it’s good to get along with your teacher because,in general,it’s smart to learn how to relate to the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.
  But really,there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher.Kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more,but also they’re more comfortable asestions and getting extra help.This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests.When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problems,such as learning or school issues and bullying.
  As a kid in elementary or middle school,you’re at a wonderful stage in your life.You’re able to take in lots of new and exciting information.Apart from that,you’re able to thint all this information in new ways.Your teacher knows that,and in most cases,he or she is thrilled to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you put it together.Remember teachers are people,too,and they feel great if you’re open to what they’re teaching you.That’s why they wanted to be teachers in the first place!
  Some kids may be able to learn in any situation,whether they like the teacher or not.But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher,and if things aren’t going well,they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.
  1.Paragraph 2 mainly talt    . 
  A.new material learned from teachers
  B.ways to develop relationship with teachers
  C.benefits in getting along with teachers
  D.avoiding problems happening around kids
  解析:段落大意题。根据第二段的“Kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more,but also they’re more comfortable asestions and getting extra help.This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests.When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problems”可知,本段主要谈论与老师相处融洽的好处,即C项正确。
  2.What’s the writer’s attitude towards getting along with teachers?
  A.Doubtful.           B.Objective.
  C.Uncaring. D.Favorable.
  3.What can we know from the passage?
  A.Kids are unable to understand lots of exciting information.
  B.Kids are bullied while communicating with others in school.
  C.Most kids will leave the class when not doing quite well with their teachers.
  D.Most kids will leave the class when not satisfied with teachers’ teaching methods.
  解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher,and if things aren’t going well,they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class”可知,如果和老师相处不好,大部分孩子将不愿意学习和待在班里,即C项正确。
  4.The passage is most probably taken from    . 
  A.children’s literature
  B.an education magazine
  C.a science report
  D.an advertisement
  解析:文章出处题。children’s literature“儿童文学”;an education magazine“一本教育杂志”;a science report“一篇科学报道”;an advertisement“一条广告”。由文章整体内容可知,本文很可能来自一本教育杂志,即B项正确。
  Every day is a gift,and if you look forward to spending each day with happiness, wap every morning with a positive attitude and enjoy a beautiful day!
  Set up a daily plan for yourself and ensure that you reserve enough time for your homework.Also,don’t forget to spare some time for play!Stop being lazy and start participating in your life instead of just watching it pass by.Try to do something fun and constructive every day.Read a book,write something interesting in your diary,try a new hobby,spend time with your friends,or just watch your favorite show on television,and you will see how every moment of your day unfolds.You’ll achieve better results,and ultimately greater success.
  However,every day will not be the way you want it to be.Some days will be good,while some will be bad.You won’t be always happy and smiling.You may come across many challenges.Don’t forget to remind yourself to slow down and take care of yourself.In today’s busy lifestyle,it is necessary to relax to bring balance and joy back into your life.So,take charge of your life.Enjoy and appreciate the small things around you.Do a good deed and make others happy.Sometimes,doing something as simple as having a cup of tea with an old friend or a family member,listening to a cheerful song,or just writing down all the things that ma happy could indeed turn your day around!
  Review and analyze your day before you retire at night.Reward yourself for completing the set goals and prepare the stage for the next day.This will impact your sleep and overall happiness levels.Plan for the next day,take a good rest,and wap fresh the next morning!
  If you feel you are doing the same things every day,step out of your comfort zone and set aside some time to do things you have never done before.Stretch your limits.Not only will it make a boring day exciting but it will also build your confidence.
  5.Who are the intended readers of the passage?
  A.Teachers. B.Students.
  C.Workers. D.People in general.
  6.Why is “read a book” mentioned in the second paragraph?
  A.To show readers how to make them happy.
  B.To tell readers to learn hard for their future.
  C.To supply readers with ways of killing time.
  D.To offer readers suggestions on hobbies.
  解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Try to do something fun and constructive every day.”可知,作者提到“阅读一本书”,就是为了告诉读者一些让自己快乐而又同时有益于自己的方法。
  7.What can we infer from the third paragraph?
  A.Every day is beautiful and worth-remembering.
  B.Your future is up to yourself and your friends.
  C.A good start is definitely good for the future.
  D.You should make a difference in your day.
  解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段的“So,take charge of your life.Enjoy and appreciate the small things around you.Do a good deed and make others happy.”可知,生活中有欢乐也有忧愁,重要的是要照顾好自己的生活。感恩生活的同时也要做善事给别人带来快乐,也就是个人要有所作为。
  8.What would be the best title for the passage?
  A.How to make the most of your day
  B.How to lead a happy and satisfying life
  C.Act now without delay to change your life
  D.Spare time to focus on daily responsibilities考点规范练3(必修1 Module 3)
  Welcome Aboard
  Just 15 minutes from Banff is Lake Minnewanka where a 90-minute cruise(乘船游览)to the Devil’s Gap is sure to be the highlight of your summer adventure!
  For information & group reservations,phone 762-3473!
  GUIDED MOUNTAIN FLIGHTS of the Columbia Ice Field & Canadian Rockies
  Leave the Crowds Behind
  Tour Narrated by Your Host
  Owner/Pilot Steve Neill(from $110/person)
  ·Comfortable window seats
  ·Headsets for clients/pilot conversation
  ·Ski plane available for glacier landings
  Which stars will you be watching tonight?When you discover the beauty that surrounds Three Sisters Mountain Village,you will be surprised at how much brighter they are in the sky than on the screen.So make some popcorn,pull up a comfortable chair and settle in for a quiet night in the mountain.All the stars will be there.
  Call toll-free(866)388-2877
  Discover the Rockies’s most desirable natural attractions on a Brewster guided excursion.As national park specialists,we are proud to share the wonders of Canada’s largest outdoor living museum.Our 111 years’ experience ensures a most memorable guided adventure!
  ·Wildlife viewing
  ·Nature walks
  Youth & group rates available!
  A spectacular adventure is waiting for you between Banff and Calgary,a short scenic drive to paradise.Join us for a fun,exciting and safe adventure in the Kananaskis and Bow Valley.
  Adventures are available for all ages and skill levels.
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  【语篇导读】本文是广告应用类文章, 给广大旅游爱好者推荐了五个户外旅游的好去处。
  1.The Smiths,a retired couple,would probably call   for several quiet starry nights. 
  A.762-3473           B.1-877-344-7117
  C.(866)388-2877 D.1-800-760-6934
  解析:细节理解题。根据THREE SISTERS MOUNTAIN VILLAGE中的“All the stars will be there”可知,在Three Sisters Mountain Village可以度过几个安静的繁星满天的夜晚。其电话是C项。
  2.The Johnsons(aged 9-68),adventure lovers,are more likely to check   for more information. 
  解析:细节理解题。根据RAFTING & OUTDOOR ADVENTURES中的“Adventures are available for all ages and skill levels”可知,这个地方的冒险旅游活动适合各个年龄段。其网址是D项。
  3.What kind of activities do the five tours all provide?
  A.Outdoor activities.
  B.Adventurous activities.
  C.Educational activities.
  D.Free activities.
  4.Where can the passage be probably found?
  A.In a tour brochure. B.In science fiction.
  C.In a textbook. D.In a TV guide.

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