《Festivals around the world》教案4

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  论文题目:A Teaching Design for Unit1
  Reading and writing: A Sad Love Story
  作者姓名:      季 超 娟          
  工作单位:  陕 西 省 周 至 中 学  
  区    县:     周 至 县            
  联系电话:    13720612518         
  邮政编码:      710400              
  A Teaching Design for Unit1
  Reading and writing: A Sad Love Story
  一. Analysis of the teaching materials and students教材和学情分析
  1. Analysis of the teaching materials 教材分析
  本节课所选内容是Using language中Reading and writing部分,阅读内容主要讲述了一对现代年轻人发生在情人节的一个伤心的爱情故事。其中穿插了对中国古代著名的“牛郎与织女”及其由此演变过来的“乞巧节”的介绍。两个不同年代的故事由爱情这条主线巧妙地连接起来,使人读起来意趣盎然,也为下一步创作性写作任务奠定了良好的语言与心理基础。Writing部分让学生续写文章的结尾。旨在让学生通过思考写出自己的想法,尝试解决问题的不同途径。
  2.Analysis of the students学情分析
  This class is given to Senior One students who have mastered a certain number of English words and phrases as well as acquired some useful reading strategies such as skimming for main idea and scanning for specific information. However , they still have difficulty in dealing with some problems concerned with inferring and writing.
  二. Teaching objectives  教学目标 
  1.Knowledge objectives
  (1).The students will be able to learn some new vocabulary in the passage:
  up/keep one’s word/hold one’s breath/set off/remind…of.
  (2).The students will be able to read and understand the story A Sad Love Story.
  2.Ability objectives
  (1). The students will be able to improve their reading abilities and skills like scanning, skimming and writing abilities.
  (2). The students will be able to guess the meanings of the new words and phrases.
  3.Emotional objectives
  (1)The students’ sense of cross-cultural communication will be greatly aroused.
  (2)The students’ sense of cooperation will be developed and they will be able to experience the pleasure of cooperation and success.
  三.Teaching important points and difficult points  教学重点与难点
  1.Teaching important points  教学重点
  (1)How to improve the students’ reading abilities and skills
  (2)How to help the students understand different festivals about a love story and how to write a different ending for the story.
  2.Teaching difficult points  教学难点
  (1)How to help the students to write the ending for the story.
  (2)How to help the students learn to use different reading skills
  四.Teaching practice教学实践
  1. The idea of my teaching design教学设计思路
  本节所讲内容是本单元的Reading and writing部分。在设计本节课时,(1)通过问题巧妙引入,激发兴趣导入新课;(2)自主学习,快速获取关键信息;(3)再读文章,获取故事细节;(4)小组活动,创造性续写故事不同结尾(小组展示、点评、评选最佳作品);(5)利用关键词复述文章,提高口语和写作能力;(6)当堂检测,巩固所学(7)学生小结,教师点题升华;(8)课堂延伸,布置作业和学习任务。本节课教学设计思想充分体现新课改精神,让教师成为课堂的设计者、促进者、帮助者、参与者和合作者,学生则是课堂的主人,激发学生的潜能,培养学生创新意识与合作探究能力。 
  2.Teaching  procedures教学过程
  Step 1 Lead-in
  Questions: 1.What do you know about Valentine’s Day?
  2. Do you r Chinese Valentine’s Day?
  Step 2 Fast reading
  T: Read the story fast to find out the followin

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