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  • 更新时间: 2016/9/4 15:43:27
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.When did the woman advise the man to see a doctor?
  A.Yesterday. B.Last week. C.This week.
  【备注】M: Mum, my headache is really killing me! I can’t wait to get back to normal. What was the doctor’s name again?
  W: I told you last week to make the appointment, but you just ignored it.
  2.What does Mike do?
  A.A teacher. B.A lawyer. C.An accountant.
  【备注】M: Have you been in touch with Mike? What did he do after graduating from university?
  W: He used to consider advertising, accounting and even a lawyer, but he settled on teaching. He’s been doing that ever since.
  3.When should the flight most probably arrive?
  A.5:30. B.5:40. C.5:50.
  【备注】M: Excuse me, it’s 5:40. Could you please tell me if the flight will be arriving on time?
  W: Yes, sir. It should be arriving in about 10 minutes at Hall C.
  4.Where is the man now?
  A.In the restaurant. B.In the supermarket. C.At home.
  【备注】W: Good morning, Jason. What a surprise to see you at the supermarket! I thought you always ate in restaurants.
  M: The restaurants cost too much. I usually eat at home. Believe it or not, I’m a good cook.
  5.Where will the birthday party be held?
  A.At Kate’s house.
  B.At Jacse.
  C.At Linda and Jade’s house.
  【备注】M: Kate, I thought your birthday party was supposed to be at your place.
  W: It was, Jact my parents decided to change it. It’ll be at Linda and Jade’s place.
  6.When is the woman’s appointment?
  A.Around two tomorrow afternoon.
  B.Around three this afternoon.
  C.Around three tomorrow afternoon.
  7.Who will cut the hair for the woman?
  A.Lily. B.Mike. C.Tom.
  【备注】M: Hello, this is Lily’s. Can I help you?
  W: I’d like to make an appointment for my haircut. It’s around 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
  M: OK. Which hairdresser do you prefer?
  W: Mike.
  M: Sorry, Mike has been boop. What about Tom, one of our top hairdressers?
  W: Good!
  M: See you tomorrow afternoon. Than for calling.
  8.What is Mark doing right now?
  A.Shopping with his girlfriend.
  B.Playing basketball.
  C.Watching TV.
  9.What do they decide to do?
  A.Go to the park. B.Go to Starbucks. C.Stay at home.
  【备注】W: Hey Mark. What are you doing?
  M: Just watching TV. What are you up to?
  W: It’s Saturday and we are sitting at home doing nothing. Do you want to play basketball?
  M: I already tried to call up some of the guys, but they are all busy.
  W: Where’s your girlfriend? I thought you were going out with her today.
  M: She’s out shopping wi

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