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  • 更新时间: 2016/9/4 15:40:29
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  1.What do we know about the meeting?
  A.The place has been changed.
  B.It’s been cancelled.
  C.It’s been put off.
  【备注】W: The business meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled. The hours I’ve spent preparing for it are totally wasted.
  M: Not really. As far as I know, it’s been put off till next week.
  2.How much money have the speakers raised?
  A.$ 30,000,000. B.$ 27,000,000. C.$ 2,700,000.
  【备注】W: Jim, what’s the total we’ve raised for Help the Elderly?
  M: It’s amazing. We’ve already got $ 27,000,000, but we still need more.
  W: Yes, we must try and reach at least $ 30 million.
  3.When is the man’s reservation?
  A.6:30 on Saturday. B.7:30 on Saturday. C.7:30 on Sunday.
  【备注】M: Could I book a table for four at 7:30 on Saturday?
  W: I’m afraid we’re fully booked for Saturday, but what about Sunday?
  M: OK!
  4.What will the woman probably give to Mrs. Brown?
  A.A box of chocolate. B.Some perfume. C.A scarf.
  【备注】W: I really don’t know what to give Mrs. Brown when I visit her in New York. Do you think she’d like some perfume?
  M: If I were you, I’d choose something like a scarf, or just a box of chocolate.
  W: Um... I lir first idea better.
  5.Which TV program will the speakers watch?
  A.The tennis match. B.The wildlife program. C.The pop concert.
  【备注】W: Hasn’t that tennis match finished yet? You know I want to watch the wildlife program at 9:00.
  M: It’s cancelled, and everything’s running late because the pop concert finished later than expected. Sit down and watch this match with me. It’s really exciting.
  6.What did the speakers do yesterday?
  A.Go to a beach.
  B.Visit their parents.
  C.Buy presents for friends.
  7.What advice does the woman offer?
  A.Take a photo at the beach.
  B.Visit the old but nice church first.
  C.Send Mark a postcard of an old bridge.
  【备注】W: What are you doing, George?
  M: I’m getting this postcard of that old bridge in the city for my parents. And this church looks nice — shall we send it to Mark? He likes old buildings.
  W: But we haven’t actually been there — we should send him a postcard of something we’ve actually seen. Here’s the beach we went to yesterday.
  M: But it looks horrible and crowded in that picture.
  W: Oh, just get him thesame one as you’re sending to your parents.
  8.What’s the probable relationship between the woman and the man?
  A.Husband and wife. B.Boss and secretary. C.Customer and waitress.
  9.When is the meeting with Mr. Wong scheduled?
  A.On the 19th. B.On the 20th. C.On the 21st.
  【备注】M: I’ve just been on the phone to headquarters. They’re having problems with their new software so I’m going to have to go to Orlando next week.
  W: Do you want to stay at the Marriot?
  M: Yes. You’d better book me a room for three nights. From the 19th to the 21st.
  W: OK. There’s one slight problem. The meeting with Mr. Wong at Orion is on the 21st. Should I cancel it?
  M: Yes. Maybe you can suggest a ne

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