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  1.What does the woman think they can do on vacation?
  A.Go hiking. B.Go camping. C.Go skiing.
  【备注】M: There was no snow this year. It looks like we won’t be able to sr vacation. But it’s still too cold for camping outside.
  W: That’s right. But we should still go. We can go hiking in the mountains instead.
  2.When will it stop raining according to the woman?
  A.In a week. B.Tomorrow evening. C.Tonight.
  【备注】M: Will this rain ever stop? It’s been coming down for a week straight.
  W: I watched TV tonight. The weatherman said the rain would stop by tomorrow evening.
  3.How much did the woman pay for the hat?
  A.30 dollars. B.50 dollars. C.60 dollars.
  【备注】M: What a beautiful hat! It looks very nice on you.
  W: Thanks. I got a great deal on it. It was normally sixty dollars, but I got it for fifty percent off.
  4.How will the speakers go to work?
  A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car.
  【备注】W: Do you mind if I drive us to work today? I just got my car back from the shop.
  M: Ot I thought you wanted to catch the bus.
  W: I did, but I found out that it’s going to be extremely windy this morning. I don’t want to wait at the bus stop if that’s the case.
  5.What do we know about the woman and her brother?
  A.They talk on the phone every day.
  B.They are having problems.
  C.They have never been close.
  【备注】W: I haven’t been getting along well with my brother lately. I don’t know what’s going on.
  M: You should try talking to him. You’ve always been so close.
  6.Why does the man say sorry to the woman?
  A.He can’t remember her.
  B.He can’t help her.
  C.He can’t chat with her.
  7.What does the man assume the woman wants to be?
  A.A secretary. B.A teacher. C.A teaching assistant.
  【备注】W: Hello. Professor Black?
  M: Yes. To whom am I speaking?
  W: This is Kelly Hibbins. I toor class a few years ago.
  M: Hello, Kelly. I’m sorry, but I have had many students over the years.
  W: It’s O don’t remember me. I am calling to ask for your advice.
  M: Very well. I will be glad to help you if I can.
  W: I am thinking about returning to campus to work.
  M: Well, our department is not hiring teachers at this time.
  W: Oh, that’s OK. I actually just want to find a job as a secretary.
  8.How long has the man been working at the company?
  A.Three months. B.Twelve years. C.Twenty years.
  9.What does the man think of the woman?
  A.She lacks experience. B.She did a great job. C.She should work harder.
  【备注】M: God! I’ve never seen anything like that, and I’ve been at this company for 20 years!
  W: What? That is nothing.
  M: The project you just finished is the biggest one in the history of our company!
  W: Really? I didn’t know. I thought this was just the way things are done.
  M: How many projects have you worked on this year?
  W: This is the first one, actually. Can you believe it?
  M: Well, it is early in the year. How about last year? How many did you work on?
  W: None. I mean that this is the first project I have ever worked on, sir. I’ve only been at this company for three months, and this is my first job.
  M: That’s amaeep up the good work, and you will go further here!
  10.Why can’t the man help with the woman’s assignment?
  A.He was born after the war.
  B.He can’t remember the war.
  C.He doesn’t want to discuss the war.
  11.What do we know about the woman’s great-grandparents?
  A.They live with her. B.They live in England. C.They passed away.
  12.What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A.Turn to her teacher for help.
  B.Look for the oldest person.
  C.Ask her neighbor to do her a favor.
  【备注】W: Grandpa, can I as some questions?
  M: Of course.
  W: I’m doing an assignment, and we have to conduct an interview with someone who lived during World War Ⅱ.
  M: Well, sweetheart, I would love to help you, but I was only two years old when the war started, so I don’t have much to say from my own memory.
  W: Did your parents tal about the war?
  M: Yes, and if they were still living, they would be great people for you to interview. You know what I thin should do? Why don’t you pay a visit to Mr. Fenton? He was in England during the war, and he fought in the war.
  W: Is it OK for me to just knock on a neighbor’s door and asnch of questions?
  M: I’m sure it’s fine. Just be very polite. If there are things he doesn’t want to discuss, then don’t pressure him to discuss them.
  13.For whom does the man want to buy a computer?
  A.His kids. B.Himself. C.His friend.
  14.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A.Saleswoman and customer.
  B.Manager and clerk.
  C.Husband and wife.
  15.What does the man prefer his kids to do?
  A.Play sports. B.Read more books. C.Be independent.
  16.What will the man do next?
  A.Go home.
  B.Take a loond.
  C.Buy one of the computers.
  【备注】W: Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
  M: Hi. I’m looking to buy a new computer.
  W: Do you need a desktop or a laptop?
  M: Oh, I work from home. I need something that will last.
  W: Well, we have two main desktops at the moment: the Alpha and the Beta.
  M: What’s the difference between the two?
  W: Well, the Alpha is designed for gaming and high performance. It comes with a large screen, while the Beta is more for the average worker and very basic.
  M: The Alpha sounds great. But I don’t play games too often.
  W: Well, do you have children? They probably play games and would love to see you bring home this famous computer.
  M: I do have two t I prefer them to play sports, not video games.
  W: OK. The Beta is cheaper. It is also great.
  M: Well, thanks for your help. I will take a loond and come to find you when I map my mind.
  17.Where is the Mariana Trench?
  A.In the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  B.To the east of the Mariana Islands.
  C.In the west of the Indian Ocean.
  18.How deep is the fish living?
  A.About 5 miles deep. B.Over 8 miles deep. C.Around 14 miles deep.
  19.Which part of the fish surprises scientists?
  A.Its size. B.Its weight. C.Its appearance.
  20.How did the scientist describe the fish?
  A.Colorful. B.Weak. C.Strong.
  【备注】Recently, while exploring the deepest parts of the earth’s oceans, scientists discovered a new fish. According to the researchers, the fish may be part of a new species. The exploration took place in the Mariana Trench, which is located in the western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Mariana Islands. The fish is filmed swimming 8,145 meters deep, which is about five miles down. Rather than exploring the central floor, as others had done, scientists explored the sides. This led them to find a fish that no one had seen before. Scientists were surprised by the appearance of the fish. They described that the fish has wing-like fins and a head like that of a cartoon dog. One scientist described them as looking so weak. Scientists are still not sure why the fish can survive at depths where other fish would die. Followers of this story are still waiting for scientists to give an explanation. The new fish doesn’t have a name yet.
  21.—Anything else please?
  —I have a message needing to be confirmed,    that will probably change my life.
  A.that B.one C.ones D.it
  22.High tech refers to any invention, system or device    uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and engineering.
  A.what B.where C.that D.who
  【解析】考查定语从句。句意:高科技是指使用科技工程领域中的最新理念或最新发现(创造)的任何发明、系统或设备。分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是定语从句,先行词是any invention, system or device,从句中缺少主语,故使用关系代词that。
  23.In addition, college students who have work experience tend to be more confident and be able to take more    .
  A.suggestions B.consequences C.risks D.responsibilities

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