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  • 更新时间: 2016/8/24 10:12:22
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.What time is it now?
  A.8:15. B.7:45. C.7:00.
  【备注】W: It’s getting dark. Do you have the time?
  M: It’s a quarter after eight.
  W: Time flies. It feels like it’s only seven! I’d better start heading for home.
  2.Who is wanted on the phone?
  A.John Smith. B.Sarah White. C.Chris Watson.
  【备注】M: Hello. This is John Smith.
  W: Hello. This is Sarah White. Can I speak to Chris Watson, please?
  M: Just a minute please. Hey! Chris! The phone is for you!
  3.What do we know about the woman?
  A.She plays tennis well.
  B.She seldom plays tennis.
  C.She plays tennis regularly.
  【备注】W: You play really well! How often do you play tennis?
  M: About once a week. What about you?
  W: Me? Just three or four times a year.
  4.What does the man want the woman to do?
  A.Play chess with him. B.Clean up the house. C.Have a chat with him.
  【备注】M: Hey. Can I tal for a minute?
  W: Sure. What’s on your mind?
  M: I’m fed up with this mess.
  W: Oh. Sorry. I’ll tidy up tomorrow.
  5.What’s the weather like tomorrow?
  A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Windy.
  【备注】W: Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?
  M: Yeah. It’s supposed to keep raining tomorrow. And it may clear up on Friday.
  6.What is not included in the free breakfast?
  A.Eggs. B.Rolls. C.Juice.
  7.How are the rooms of the hotel?
  A.Large. B.Clean. C.Quiet.
  【备注】W: I like this hotel.
  M: What do you lit it?
  W: We get a free breakfast, with toast, ham, eggs, fresh fruit and juice.
  M: Wow! That’s nice. Let’s stay for two nights.
  W: And the rooms are clean, too.
  M: Do they allow pets?
  W: No pets, no smoking.
  8.Why did the man go to Hawaii?
  A.To live there. B.To go on business. C.To go on holiday.
  9.How did the man spend his night?
  A.Went swimming. B.Ate out. C.Went walking.
  【备注】M: I went to Hawaii on vacation.
  W: Do you like it?
  M: I love it. I want to live there.
  W: It must be attractive.
  M: Yes, the island is so green, and the water is so blue.
  W: What did you do at night?
  M: At night I went out to eat. The food was delicious.
  W: People who live in Hawaii are lucky.
  10.Who are the speakers waiting for?
  A.The manager. B.The waiter. C.Their friends.
  11.How long will they go on waiting before leaving?
  A.15 minutes. B.10 minutes. C.5 minutes.
  12.What do they probably think of the service of restaurants?
  A.Good. B.Poor. C.Average.
  【备注】W: Have you seen our waiter?
  M: Here he comes now.
  W: We’ve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.
  M: Oops, I guess I was wrong. That isn’t our waiter.
  W: We can give him five more minutes, and then leave.
  M: I’ll go up to the front and talk to the manager.
  W: That’s a good idea.
  M: Maybe they’ll give us free drinks for waiting so long.
  W: Maybe he’ll send us our waiter immediately.
  M: Every time we eat out, it’s an adventure.
  W: Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen.
  M: We’ll never go there again.
  13.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?
  A.Husband and wife. B.Boss and secretary. C.Salesman and customer.
  14.What’s the house like?
  A.Modern and beautiful. B.Big and beautiful. C.Cheap and small.
  15.What difficulty do the speakers have buying the house?
  A.It’s inconvenient for the man.
  B.It’s too expensive.
  C.Its style is not to their taste.
  16.What decision do the speakers finally make?
  A.Buying the house.
  B.Choosing another house.
  C.Discussing with the kids.
  【备注】M: Do you like this house?
  W: Yes, it’s beautiful.
  M: It’s perfect for us and the kids.
  W: Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a big backyard.
  M: And we can afford it!
  W: So are we going to buy it?
  M: I’m afraid not.
  W: It’s too far from your job, isn’t it?
  M: Yes, I can’t spend four hours on the road every day.
  W: By the time you get home, you’ll be too tired to even eat.
  M: I won’t be able to play with the kids.
  W: No, we have to find someplace closer to your job.
  17.What’s the speaker talking about?
  A.The approaches to learning English.
  B.The importance of learning English.
  C.The difficulties in learning English.
  18.What are you advised to do to change attitude?
  A.Go abroad.
  B.Realize your goal.
  C.Learn through the Internet.
  19.What’s the purpose of exposing yourself?
  A.To develop a taste.
  B.To accept new concepts.
  C.To create an English atmosphere.
  20.What does the speaker encourage learners to do by mentioning David Beckham?
  A.To learn from him.
  B.To broaden learners’ horizons.
  C.To care less about mistakes.
  【备注】We would simply advise you to think of the word CEK which stands for changing attitude, exposing yourself and keeping talking.
  Change attitude: The point is that you should realize that your goal is to communicate with people in English. It is acceptable for the beginner to say he don’t know instead of he doesn’t know. At least it is less annoying for them to wait for you.
  Expose yourself: This step means to expose yourself to an English environment. This is the twenty-first century and English is already everywhere. Movies, music, newspapers, articles and hundreds of tourists who walk past you every day can be great learning sources.
  Keep talking: Whenever you have a chance to talk or to test your skills, just do it. Do not worry about mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, Tiger Woods, David Beckham etc. Come on. Let’s go out and create your own world of English.
  21.—Which of these methods do you like best?
  —    . They are all more difficult to use than I have expected.
  A.Neither B.No one C.None D.Nothing
  22.People still don’t know    they should drinp of coffee in the early morning.
  A.whether B.what C.when D.how
  23.Yao Ming has been nominated for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, which probably    him the first Chinese player to receive the honor.
  A.makes B.has made C.will make D.will have made

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