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  • 更新时间: 2016/8/9 18:22:29
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  1. What is the woman looking for?
  A. A café. B. A museum. C. A park.
  2. What does the man say about the shoes?
  A. They’re for bowling. B. They’re very bright. C. They from falling down.
  3. Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In a police station.  B. In the headmaster’s office.  C. In an elementary school classroom.
  4. When will the lights go down?
  A. At 7:15. B. At 7:25. C. At 7:30.
  5. What are the speakers doing?
  A. Driving in a car.
  B. Playing with the smart phones.
  C. Playing a computer game.
  6. What does the man ask the woman about first?
  A. Fresh food. B. Snacks. C. Luggage.
  7. How many bags is the woman carrying in total?
  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
  8. Which subject does Mr. Brooks teach probably?
  A. English. B. Art. C. Math.
  9. What does Mr. Brooks imply in the end?
  A. Melanie should go back to her seat.  B. Melanie gave the correct answer.
  C. He will make an exception for Melanie.
  10. What is the man’s main concern about the TV?
  A. The picture quality. B. The sound quality. C. The screen size.
  11. Why does the man mention his friends?
  A. They all have nice TVs.  B. They just got a new TV.
  C. They’re planning a vacation with them.
  12. How much will the speakers probably spend on a TV?
  A. More than $500. B. No more than $500. C. No more than $300.
  13. Why did the man make the appointment?
  A. He always feels tired recently.  B. He’s going on a trip soon.
  C. He needs to have an annual health examination.
  14. When was the appointment scheduled for?
  A. The early afternoon. B. The late morning. C. Noon.
  15. What does the man say about his boss?
  A. His boss is a woman.  B. His boss is very understanding.
  C. His boss is on holiday.
  16. What will the man do after his appointment?
  A. Have lunch. B. Give a presentation. C. Go to the bank.
  17. What animals live in Badlands National Park now?
  A. Big cats.     B. Rhinos.   C. Small animals living underground.
  18. What must you do before going on an overnight trip?
  A. Buy a map.    B. Make a formal reservation.  C. Speak to a staff member.
  19. What is allowed in the park?
  A. Pet. B. Stove. C. Wildfire.
  20. What should people do with human waste?
  A. Carry it out of the park.   B. Keep it half a mile from roads.
  C. Bury it 200 feet from water at least.
  第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)
  第一节  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. His _____ directions puzzled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.
  A. concrete         B. ambiguous        C. explicit       D. consistent
  22. Mr Simmons always tries to make me keep in mind that how much easier my life _____ if I were better organized.
  A. will be B. would have been C. would be D. will have been
  23. —What did she want to know, Tom?
  — She wondered _____ we could complete the experiment.
  A. When was it that      B. it was when that      C. it was when    D. when it was that
  24. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions       had used the products.
  A. whoever           B. who             C. whichever        D. which
  25. Rather than define success as financial gain or social status, define it _____

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