江苏省大丰市2015-2016年度八年级上英语8A Unit1-2单元测试试卷

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  8A Units 1-2  单元试卷
  班级_________ 姓名_________  学号_______ 得分_________
  一. 选择填空   15分
  (  )1. There is _______ in the fridge.
  A. else something            B. nothing else
  C. not else                  D. else nothing
  (  )2. My father’s new hair style makes ________.
  A. him to loong           B. him young       
  C. him loong              D. him loong
  (  )3. David is taller than _____ in his class.
  A. other student                  B. the other student   
  C. other students                 D. the other students
  (  )4. My English teacher often looks _______. She is looking _______ at us now.
  A. happy, happy                B. happily, happy
  C. happily, happily              D. happy, happily
  (  )5. Wang Hai’s painting is______ in the Art Competition.
  A. more beautiful                B. most beautiful    
  C. the most beautiful             D. beautiful
  (  )6. What’s your best friend like? --- _________.
  A. He is an officer.               B. He is fine. Than.        
  C. He likes playing computer games. D. He is friendly and helpful.
  (  )7.‘My Heart Will Go On’ was one of _______ songs of 1998.  
  A. popularest   B. more popular    C. very        D. the most popular
  (  )8. John has three sisters. Mary is the _____ of the three.
  A . most cleverest   B. more clever   C. cleverest   D. cleverer
  (  )9. If we followed the plan, we could do the work better with ___ money and ____ people.
  A. little, fewer              B. fewer, less   
  C. less, fewer                  D. less, few
  (  )10. Of the two shirts, I’d like to choose _____ one.
  A. the less expensive             B. the most expensive
  C .less expensive              D. most expensive
  (  )11. _____ you work, _____ result you will get.
  A. The harder, the better      B. the more hard, the more better
  C. The harder, a better        D. more hard, more better
  (   )12.The country park is _______interesting than any other parr city. It has _______visitors than any other park.
  A. much; much  B. many; many    C. more; more     D. more; many
  (   ) 13. My friend loves playing softball. She _____ two hours ______ every day. 
  A. spends, practising playing              B. spends, practising play
  C. spend, to practise playing               D. spending, practise playing
  (   ) 14.People in the UK say “autumn” while people in the USA say “           ”.
  A. fall         B. hall         C. yard        D. vacation
  (   ) 15.In my ideal school, we have a big library _____ lots of _____books.
  A. has, use      B. has, useful      C. with, useless   D. with, useful
  二. 完型填空   10分
  Making friends is not easy. Sometimes it can take ___1____ before you become true friends with someone. There are some common qualities of a ‘TRUE FRIEND’. Firstly, true friends should be _____2___. Being honest means _____3___ telling lies, but of course this is not always so easy. Sometimes you do not want your friends to know ____4____ about you, such as you getting a terrible score in a test. Then you might want to tell a lie to marself feel much ___5___, but this is not a good idea. Your friends will find out the truth sooner or later, and they will be ___6___because you lied to them. The second most important quality of a true friend is being a good ___7__. You do not want to have a friend who is ___8___ to listen to your problems, or a friend who might talt your problems with everybody in school. It is very important for friends to trust each other. Finally, be generous to your friends. You should ___9___ your things with your friends.
  Please remember ____10___ we give you. We believe you will have more friends in the future.
  1. A. minutes        B. days         C. weeks          D. years
  2. A. kind           B. honest        C. helpful         D. polite
  3. A. never          B. always       C. sometimes      D. usually
  4. A. something good                  B. anything good 
  C. something bad                   D. anything bad
  5. A. better          B. worse         C. bad            D. good
  6. A. nervous        B. happy         C. angry           D. cheerful
  7. A. listener         B. talker         C. speaker         D. reader
  8. A. willing       B. ready          C. not willing      D. getting ready
  9. A. give           B. send          C. talk           

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